This Mirror Isn't Big Enough for All of Us

May 13, 2011 15:56

Author: Cole231
Title: This Mirror Isn’t Big Enough for All of Us
Rating: Pg
Pairings: Yumi/Ikkaku Ichigo/Renji
Warnings: None really.

Summary: What would you do if you woke up with no memory of the last twenty years, some beautiful children, and that bastard Ikkaku Madarame? For Yumichika Ayasegawa, it's hell. Future fic.

Chapter 3

"Look, Yumichika…I know a lot of things have changed but this is your life now-"

"This is not my life. How- how unbeautiful that you would think it" Yumichika growled and folded his arms over his chest. Why was this happening to him? Of all the evil things he had done during his life why was this his payback? Why? "I just don't care…Kurosutchi can fix me then I wont have to deal with hell anymore"

"Okay, I just- please if you talk to any of them can you…maybe…censor a little?" Ichigo asked with delicacy. If he was right he knew where Yumichika was in his time line and that was not good. Actually it was so far past evil that deviance didn't cover it.

"Censor? Do you not like the way I live Kurosaki?"

"It's not about that. A lot has changed, I just don't want you to ruin what you've built because of something Ikkaku did twenty years ago"

"Twenty years isn't a very long time" The fifth seat said with a flick of his hair and looked over in the mirror across from the bed. Ichigo seemed to just look at the ground and after a while Yumichika grew bored. What did they think he was going to say? He couldn't possibly have been that different, but then again he supposed some things parents have to keep from there kids. Well, it was a good thing he didn't have any or he might have to 'censor' himself.

Yumichika sighed and leaned back against the bed post as he ignored Ichigo. He didn't even want to hear it, like he had said before but still the tall orange head continued.

"Hey, I'm gonna go check on Mitsuo…he's not weaned yet so he's probably fussy" Ichigo finally said after sensing the despair in his friends aura.

"Right" he waved a bored hand and turned his head away as Ichigo walked out.

Not two seconds after he heard Ichigo's feet hit that last step on the stairs the door to Ikkaku's bedroom opened up and two heads popped in. Yumichika noticed the door open and the boy he had seen earlier, along with a young girl, came in and closed the door quietly behind them.

"Uh, hey" said the boy after a few too many seconds of awkwardness. Yumichika's head hit the wall with a thud and he glanced at the two before focusing up at the ceiling. They both looked so strange, the boy with his pretty face and the girl with her long black hair. She didn't look like either Ikkaku or himself, maybe she was someone else's kid.

"Hello children" he said with venom and found a spot on his nails. Yumichika groaned as he couldn't find a file anywhere on his person or around on the dresser. Obviously this future version of himself had no love for finesse, as seen by the spotty manicure. Something was held out to him in front of his face and Yumichika looked up at the boy who looked surprisingly nervous. After snatching the nail file from him, Yumichika inspected himself once more before going to work. "I'll assume this is mine so there's no reason to thank you"

The girl let out a little laugh and clapped her hands. "Wow, is this why we're not allowed in here?" Yumichika turned his nose up at the girl and looked over at her. She was petite, wearing a white shinigami academy uniform, and this grin on face that stretched down to her pointed chin.

"Why exactly are you here? You weren't called, you certainly are not wanted, and by the look of those flats you have no style nor coordination given the top you have on. Obviously not a child of mine, so .?" The girl's mouth dropped open and she had to cover it as she began to laugh out in hysterics.

"Look Jiro! It's Emiko!" She laughed out and clapped a hand to her knee. Yumichika rolled his eyes and looked back over at the vanity right beside his bed.

"I don't know who that is but I assure you she is just a cheap imitation of beautiful yours truly"

"She's your daughter. The first one" Daijiro offered and looked over at his mother's reflected image.

"Eh, oldest. That's what you've all done, aged parallel universe Yumichika into an early grave" He said sadly and ran his fingers over the surprisingly still flawless skin on his cheek.

"You don't age" The girl laughed out and walked over to stand directly beside him. "You haven't aged in twenty odd yers" she imitated what he presumed was an 'old' person but he was certainly not amused.

"I don't really care"

"Well, I'm Kiyomi. I'm fourth after Daijiro-" she pointed to the boy with his arms crossed at the end of the bed as she climbed onto it. His face twisted into a scowl and he scooted away as she came a bit too close, but it didn't seem to faze her.

"Fourth?" he hissed out. "Uh, there are more of you little bastards running around?"

"I'm not a bastard" Daijiro interjected harshly. Kiyomi laughed a little and continued.

"He's not and neither am I. However, the two eldest are-"

"Eh, what an ugly fate. How could I be cursed in such a way?" Kiyomi looked at him with this strange expression and couldn't help but laugh out loudly.

"Yeah well since you just love D- Ikkaku so much you'll absolutely love your favorite son. Can't think of a reason why-"

"Yomi" Daijiro interrupted and looked at his sister with a scowl. "It really doesn't matter about him, he'll probably be here soon so you'll get to learn all about him yourself" he provided with a growing smirk. Her face soon mirrored his own and she nodded at him before looking back at Yumichika.

"Okay well then it's the twins, then Mitsuo. He's the new baby"

"This is all very interesting but- wait what? There's seven!"

"Three girls four boys" Kiyomi smiled Ikkaku's trademark teeth. "You and Ikkaku always went at it like bunnies, I'm surprised we don't have twenty"

"Eh. That just seems so excessive" Yumichika scoffed and waved his hand in the air. "Ikkaku and I- it's sound's like a bad taste. I'd never, just…eh"

"Oh really, why do you think there's a deadbolt on the human door?" The former fifth seat looked over and grumbled as he found it to be true.

"I don't know, your father brings dead whores back to the house to seduce? I'm not a mind reader, girl" Daijiro's head tilted to the side and he wondered.

"So I don't get it. You accept that Ikkaku is our dad but you just absolutely refuse to believe that your our mom. Who else would he have had children with? That's not logical to believe"

"But isn't it? Given the particular items hanging from a part of my body that babies are supposed to be made, I'm surely aloud to have my doubts" Yumichika fired back.

"I never asked about the details of it but if you asked Dad-"

"I'll kill your 'Dad' for doing this to me. I'm not asking him a damn thing, not until I get to go back home. Then I'm gonna march up to his crummy little shack and kick his ass" Yumichika nodded to himself and in the back of his mind began to conjure up a plan. A satisfying plan that ended in Ikkaku's demise.

"What did he even do-?"

"What the hell are you two doing in here?" Ikkaku roared from the doorway.

"Sitting with Mom.." Kiyomi said casually and turned to look up at her father. "He doesn't mind"

"Actually I do" Yumichika flinched when the girl was pulled off the bed in haste and pushed out of the room by an angry Ikkaku. Daijiro followed obediently after taking one last look at him and the door was slammed shut. As soon as that happened a cry was heard and that annoying baby began to cry again.

"Get in your room!" Ikkaku yelled from outside the door and stomped away.

After a few minutes of being alone Yumichika just sighed and decided to lay down and work through his problems with sleep. He hoped that when he opened his eyes again he would be back home, alone. No seven children, no Ikkaku, no captaincy. No nothing.


Emiko sighed and tossed her brush down, it was a much too lovely day to just be sitting inside. Though her captain may be angry with her for slouching on her paperwork she really didn't mind right now. Not with the beautiful bloom of the flowers and the slight wind stirring everything into a peaceful dance around her. Why would she want to sit in this stuffy room anyway?

After checking her mirror, Emiko made her way out of her office and walked to no where in particular. She wondered where her young brother was at this time of day, maybe out sparing. Maybe she would go look for him in her boredom, he always had a way of cheering her up when she was bored. In a funny, never to be spoken of, way the young man really reminded her of her father. Maybe that's what she would do, go look for Dad and get coddled.

As Emiko walked into the eleventh division she shunpoed right to the captain's office and peaked her head in. "Hey!" she said with a bright smile to the lieutenant. The large red head lifted his head up and gave her a light smile.

"Emi" he yawned a little and stood as she walked in. Emiko closed the door behind herself then opened her arms as she walked to the tired looking tall man. "Have I ever told you how much I hated paperwork?"

"Ah, Norio it isn't that bad. I just came by because I wanted to skip mine, it's such a beautiful day outside would you care to join me?"

"Well as much as I would love to just skip out until later I can't"

"Why not?" she asked in the most petulant way she could muster. Norio never wanted to do anything fun, he was always so worried about what his captain would say. Did he not know that her father didn't even do his own paperwork? Since Emiko was a child she had always had suspicions that her mother did a lot more then he took credit for.

"Because your dad-"

"Where is the great Kempachi anyway? Shouldn't he be here now? I would have liked to get a little sympathy for my mounds of paperwork. Could I be any less disappointed that you are here instead?" Norio let out a chuckle.

"He sent someone to say he's not coming in, I think your mom might be sick or something" Emiko's eyes nearly budged out of her skull. She quickly flash stepped to the window and locked it closed before going around the room to see if there were any other open holes someone could hear into the room from.

"Shh!" she shushed with a finger to his lips and he fell back into the chair with a grunt of confusion. "Does anyone know about this?" Norio swatted her hand away and glared at her with his big auburn eyes.

"I don't know Emiko! Get off a me! What if someone walks in and see's you straddling me in your father's office! Do you want me to die!"

"I'm a little more concerned about myself right about now. How…unbeautiful thinking of yourself in this situation. What do you think is gonna happen when Kaku finds out my mom?" Emiko said hastily and pressed a hand to his mouth again. The hand was shoved away, as was the petite purple headed girl on top of him.

"Ikkaku isn't going to freak out like Kempachi will if he finds out that- that-"

"That we're sleeping in the same bed!" Emiko pressed a hand to her chest as she gasped dramatically. Norio's face turned just about as red as his hair and the six foot four man shrunk down in embarrassment. Emiko really didn't get what the big deal was about. It wasn't like no one knew they had been together since the academy, did Norio ever hear her father's stories of her parent's escapades in the Rukongai? Those were the true embarrassment. "Come on, my mom already knows-"

"Your mom's different then the captain, Emi! He wont understand so I'd like to not broadcast it to the world"

"You know what Rio, the pain you will feel would not in a million years add up to all the annoyance and anguish that I will be going through if Kaku finds out about my mom"

"What about mom?" Both Emiko and Norio froze as they turned to look at the intruder from the slowly opening doorway to the eleventh division captain's office.



Ikkaku huffed and sat in the kitchen with his arms folded over his chest and the same scowl on since this morning. It seemed that every little shitty thing that had ever happened in his life had seemed to meld together and had exploded into a nuclear accident in just a few hours.

"Ikkaku" Ichigo said and placed a hand on his friends shoulder. "He's gonna be okay"

Just as he opened his mouth to answer the front door burst open and too many sets of footsteps came rushing in. Ikkaku's head fell back as they made their way past the kitchen in an attempt to get up the stairs before they were noticed.

"Hey" he yelled and the steps stopped instantly. "" Ichigo looked at down for a moment before sighing and turning to retrieve him some tea.

As Kiyomi, Yuu Sabaro, and Tamiko walked backward to come into the kitchen and with bowed heads entered to stand before their father.

"Where ya goin?" he asked slowly and looked over at him.

"We're simply running to my room to play a trick of Jiro" Kiyomi answered a bit too quickly. "He's..being a dick so..that's what we're gonna do..alright, see ya later Daddy!" she smiled and attempted to get away.

"Go sit in the living room" he ordered and uncrossed his arms as his youngest daughter came up to him with her arms held out. Ikkaku picked the little purple headed girl up and sat her in his lap.

"I was going to see Mama" she whispered and kissed him on the cheek.

"No" he said with mock surprise and ignored as Kiyomi growled and stomped out of the house. Yuu Sabaro sat in the chair across from him and lay his head on the table. "Well you can't see him.."

"Why not?" Yuu asked with tears in his voice. Ikkaku felt an ache at his heart at his children's reactions to Yumichika's absence. Especially Yuu who was always attached to Yumichika. Right now if it was a regular day Yuu and Tamiko would be laying around in the third division as Yumichika held the baby and completed paperwork. Later he might have taken Kiyomi or Daijiro out for their kido lessons and stopped by to visit him. But now everything was wrong and Ikkaku didn't know what to do. It was only a blessing that his eldest two apparently hadn't heard about their mother or he may really have to fight a couple rounds to keep them out of that room.

"Yuu..ya know your mom loves you alright? He just…he's just sick. We're gonna fix this as fast as we can-" Ichigo tried and sighed as he walked along the table to kneel in front of the small child. "Hey…you wanna hold the baby?" Yuu Sabaro sniffled a bit and wiped his face with the back of his hands as he sat up slowly. The fifth division captain smiled at the cute boy as he nodded and held his little arms out. Ichigo stood to walk over to the bassinette.

"Aw, I wanna hold the baby" Tamiko whined and bounced violently on her fathers lap.

"You can hold the baby after-" Ichigo began but was cut off at the door bursting open and heavy footsteps entering. Ikkaku rolled his eyes as he knew who that was.

"Mom!" a voice suspiciously close to his own sounded and Ikkaku growled out. Of course the bastard child would show up now. "Hey" the eldest male hollered and stalked into Ikkaku's kitchen like he owned the place. "Hey!"

"Kaku calm down" Ichigo hissed and put a finger to his mouth to 'shh' him.

"Oh, sorry. Where's mom?"

"Hello Daddy!" Ikkaku smiled as his little girl walked in with a bright expression on her face. Leave it to Emiko to make him happy when her mother wasn't around. She was of course Yumichika's spitting image, more so then Kaku was his own. Especially with the long black kimono and the feathers on. Emiko had always tried to distance herself from the fact that she and Yumichika looked alike with bangs and makeup but it never really worked. They were both beautiful and he loved them. Ah, how he missed Yumichika.

"Emi" he greeted and tilted his head up as she walked over and gave him a hug and a kiss. "Aw, Yuu, don't look so sad" she said sweetly and walked over to pick up her little brother. Kaku just stood there with crossed arms and steam seemingly coming up from his 'shaved' head.

"Where's mom?" he asked once again and looked down at his father.

"As soon as we heard Kaku ran high speed I may add, Father can we please give the buffoon a lesson on manners because it must have skipped a child" Emiko said with her natural haughtiness and balanced her brother on her hip as she walked over to Ichigo beside the bassinette.

"Your mom's fine Kaku" Ikkaku finally flipped and yelled at him. "Now shut up!"

"Okay, let's all just sit down and talk and stop acting like we're children!" Ichigo yelled at all of them.

"Snippy" Emiko said lowly to Yuu and reached down to tickle the waking baby's belly. Mitsuo crooned and grasped at her hand as he excitedly kicked his feet.

"Yumichika lost his memory"

"What!" Kaku snapped.

"Now now, what I wanna know is who told you about your mom" Ikkaku said suspiciously and looked over at Ichigo.

"Why are you lookin' at me huh!" The fifth division captain defended and stare him back down.

"I didn't tell anyone, and there's only one person who would have told them" The eleventh division captain huffed. "Your son, the little bastard. I'm gonna kick his ass!"

"Who says Norio has anything to do with this?" Emiko stepped in instantly and turned toward her father. "He didn't-"

"Who the hell cares!" Kaku shouted over them all and slammed his fist against the wall. The loud bang then stirred a flinching Mitsuo into a cry. "I don't care if he lost his memory or who told me! You should have told me!" Ikkaku growled and tore Tamiko's hands from around his neck to set her down as he walked over to the baby.

"Stop screaming Ikkaku" Emiko said to her brother as she watched her dad lift the wailing baby from his bassinette.

"I don't give a shit what you do alright"

"Kempachi" Ichigo tried and put his hand on Ikkaku's arm. The bald headed man shrugged away and walked out of the room.

"Koi" he said before disappearing, his youngest daughter close behind him. She took a last glance at her oldest brother, who looked down at her with a small apology.

"Kaku, I know your going to do what you want anyway so-" Ichigo started and thought to choose his words carefully. "Don't be surprised by what you hear. Back before you were born there weren't many people Yumichika cared to speak with. In a situation like this, he tends to get a little defensive"

"I get it" The eldest son nodded and turned to begin his journey to the first room at the top of the steps.


Thanks for reading! Hope that last bit didn't get too confusing with the two Ikkaku's. So yes, Ikkaku (the new Kempachi) ((shocker!)) and Yumichika have seven kids. Why so many? It'll all be explained later of course, as will the whole how Ikkaku became Kempachi thing and some other things I wont mention just yet..and yey! You've just met Norio Abari, one of Ichigo's kids (and no, Ichi&Renji have no where near as many kids as Ikkaku&Yumi, in fact not many do). Review! And thanks for the previous reviews as well.
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