This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For All Of Us2

Apr 08, 2011 19:17

Author: Cole231
Title: This Mirror Isn’t Big Enough for All of Us
Rating: Pg
Pairings: Yumi/Ikkaku Ichigo/Renji
Warnings: None really.

Summary: What would you do if you woke up with no memory of the last twenty years, some beautiful children, and that bastard Ikkaku Madarame? For Yumichika Ayasegawa, it's hell. Future fic.

Chapter 2

Yumichika landed in a crouched position then turned to look up at the fall. Something strange was going on and he wasn’t going to stick around to figure it out.

Yumichika huffed and began to walk out of the alley as he studied the side of the big house. He knew he was still in the Seireitei but not in the eleventh where Ikkaku was supposed to live with no children. Especially children who ran around calling him Mommy.

The fifth seat continued to walk in the first light of the morning and ignored the group of bowing shinigami that walked by him. He didn’t know where to go, what if he went to the eleventh to find Kenny? Would he be gone too? Where is Yachiru and were there more of these little devils running around that were just going to spring up and call him names that weren’t his own?

Yumichika stopped in his tracks as he came across a familiar kanji number. His eyes widened and he looked up at the long banner with a large 3 written across it. It was at this moment that Yumichika knew he had gone insane.

“Yumichika?” someone asked and approached from behind. Carefully feeling out the reatsu he turned his head and looked over at the tall man.

“Kurosaki” he stated and crossed his arms over his chest. He took in the confused man’s appearance and blinked. It seemed that everything had changed. Ichigo Kurosaki looked taller, years older, and had a long white robe loosely hanging from his shoulders.

“Playing dress up today are we?” The substitute shinigami said as his face melded into a grin. Yumichika quirked his eyebrow and looked down at himself. Dress up? He always wore this, standard shinigami uniform with his orange accessories and white waist band. Everything in place, all except for the feathers that he couldn’t find before he made his hasty escape.

“Dress- Kurosaki Ichigo, you aren‘t a very bright crayon you know. I don’t know if your beauty challenged mind is aware of this but I am not the one running around in other people’s robes. Look-, look at yourself!” he spluttered and began to walk away. “This is ridiculous, I’m too beautiful for this”

“Are you okay?” Ichigo asked and followed.

“No I am not okay! I wake up with babies and naked Ikkaku! I don’t know where I am! And- and- I just- I want to go home” he said in defeat and continued to walk to nowhere in particular.

“Well I’ve never heard you complain about naked Ikkaku so obviously something happened your not telling me. What, did you have a fight or something?”

“What?” he snapped. “When- I don’t know what your talking about. Me and Ikkaku? So two years ago” Suddenly his arms were grabbed and he was turned toward the tall man to look straight up into auburn eyes.

“Yumichika” Ichigo said slowly. “What are you talking about?” Rolling his eyes, the fifth seat pushed Ichigo away.

“What am I talking about? What are you talking about?”

“Okay, am I just going insane or did you just say Ikkaku was ‘so two years ago?’ You were just fine yesterday”

“Kurosaki, you know I actually thought you were more intelligent then this. Yesterday I was sitting in the eleventh division sipping mojito’s and merlot with Shunsei. I am not fine. You don’t just wake up with babies and I hate Ikkaku. There is absolutely no reason I would ever want to see him naked again” Yumichika couldn’t place the look but it was the same look Ikkaku had just given him when he tried to hand him that infernal crying thing.

“Shunsei? Yumichika, Shunsei has been retired for twenty some years. He and Jyuushiro haven’t been here for at least ten..what are you- and why do you keep callin me Kurosaki!? My name is Ichi-” The substitute shinigami stopped mid sentence and his eyes widened as he stood up straight and his mouth dropped open. He took another slow look at Yumichika’s attire. “Who are you?”

“I don’t have time for this- I have to-”

“Just, please answer the question” Yumichika squinted and sighed.

“Yumichika Ayasegawa, fifth seat of the great squad eleven of course. Who else would I be?” Ichigo choked out and looked down at him in amazement. For a few moment’s they just stood there and looked at each other until Yumichika just couldn’t take it anymore and turned to leave.

“Wait! Yu- look, I don’t know what’s going on but we gotta go talk to Ikkaku”

“No! Were you not listening to anything I said!?”

“Look, something’s wrong”

“I know”

“Yumichika!” Ichigo yelled and held onto him as he attempted to escape again.


“This is going to be a little shocking but I have to tell you. You haven’t been in squad eleven in twenty one years, and that was just when you were lieutenant. You’re the captain of the third division”

That was about the time everything went black.


When Yumichika came to he blinked his eyes open and realized that he was back in Ikkaku’s bedroom. Sighing he sat up and looked around, seeing he was alone he conjured up another plan to escape and nearly made his move but before he had the chance the door opened and three men walked in.

“Good, your awake” Ikkaku said with a sigh and looked down at him. Yumichika scowled as he noticed that all three of them were simply staring at him. Not exactly something he wasn’t used to because of course he looked like him but it was beginning to get irritating. He looked over at the astonished face of Renji Abari who also had a long white coat on just like the other two. What is going on!?

“Do you remember me?” asked Renji with true interest. Yumichika growled and picked up the nearest thing and threw it directly at his head.

“Shut up Renji! Is this funny to you!?” he yelled and searched for something else to throw but Ikkaku was at his side in an instant. He wretched his arm away and looked up at the bald man in anger as Renji roared out a laugh.

“Hey, at least he’s still my friend” he provided as he composed himself and looked over at an amused Ichigo and a fuming Ikkaku.

“Hm, very peculiar” Mayuri Kurotsuchi said as he came into the room, followed by his lieutenant. Rolling his eyes, Yumichika pulled the sheet around himself and looked up at the men and woman who crowded Ikkaku‘s living quarters. To say he was angry would be an understatement.

“You called Kurotsuchi?” he hissed at Ikkaku and stare daggers up at the tall man who did his best impression of a calm person. To be honest, Yumichika thought he was doing an alright job.

“Ya lost your mind, who else was I gonna call?”

“Hmm, Ayasegawa Yumichika. Great captain of the third has lost himself in the fray. Would anyone like to explain what happened that led to this?” Mayuri asked as he got closer to the bed and peered down at Yumichika like he was a lab rat.

“When we went to bed he was normal, he even got up twice in the middle of the night to check Mitsuo, then he woke up like..this” said Ikkaku as he looked over at the twelfth division captain who seemed to not have changed at all. Not like Renji who looked just a bit older, or Ichigo who actually looked like a man now.

“Ayasegawa, tell me the last thing you remember before you woke” Yumichika pinched the top of his nose between his fingers and took a deep breath to calm himself.

“You are not a psychologist, even if I did remember the last thing I did you wouldn’t be able to do anything at all!” Yumichika yelled and took his chances. If this whole him being a ‘captain’ thing was real then he should be able to freak out whenever he wanted. Mayuri’s eyes blinked loudly as he looked over at Ikkaku in shock.

“Common behavior?” he asked him.

“No!” Ichigo interjected and stepped forward. “If you woke up and couldn’t remember anything you would be irritated too. We just need to give him some space”

“And the fainting spell? Is this new as well?” Yumichika seethed.

“Fainting!? I did not faint I-”Yumichika watched as Nemu came over to kneel beside the bed and held her hand out. A bright blue light came out to scan down his face and he growled. “Hey!” he yelled and shot out to grab her but Ikkaku had once again latched onto his wrist and held him back.

“I’ll get right on it, can’t have one of our mighty captain’s off the right keys can we?“ Mayuri smiled and nodded. “Madarame”

“Thanks” Ikkaku mumbled as Mayuri and Nemu made their exit. Ikkaku knelt down in front of Yumichika and took hold of both of his wrists, looking up into his eyes Ikkaku said: “We’re gonna fix this Yumichika”
Taking another deep breath Yumichika wound back his hand and punched Ikkaku so hard it sent him flying to the other side of the room.

“Don’t touch me Ikkaku. You may remember the big schpeal about convincing me to have children with you but I don’t. In fact, it never happened. So get out of my face and leave me alone!” Yumichika ignored the astonished faces of both Renji and Ichigo and watched as Ikkaku got himself up off of the ground. The bald man clenched his jaw and turned to walk out of the room.

“Watch your friend, I’m going to watch my kids”

“Ikkaku” Yumichika said sweetly and watched Ikkaku’s whole body tense up as he stopped by the door. “Maybe you should spent your time alone looking for a mother for your demon spawns” Ikkaku didn’t say anything, he just took a slow nod and walked out, followed by Renji.

Ichigo sighed and looked down at him as the door was closed.

“Alright Yumichika, let’s talk”

On the other side of the door two gasps rang in. Daijiro looked over at his younger sister and leaned away from the wall, suddenly he heard the door open and they both turned to look up at their father in shock. Ikkaku’s eyes narrowed as he realized what they were doing. Deciding not to ignore it, he walked into the room and Renji closed the door behind him.

“Dad-” Kiyomi began but Ikkaku raised his hand to silence her.

“I told you both about listening to things that don‘t concern you” Daijiro opened his mouth but from experience he knew he shouldn’t even lie his way out of it. Maybe if his Mother was around he could but if it was only Dad, he wasn’t listening to anything either one of them had to say. A particular memory of his mother popped into his head.

“We- I-” Kiyomi began but Ikkaku just growled to silence her.

“It’s something we should know. How long are you going to try and hide that our mother lost his mind?” Daijiro fired back.

“I’m going to deal with this. My advice to you two is to stay out of it before ya get into a fight your gonna loose” Ikkaku warned and Renji stood stoically behind him with his arms crossed nodding his head in agreement.

“At least tell us what’s wrong..” asked Kiyomi whose mind was already reeling in thought. Sighing, Ikkaku relented and gave up. His thoughts on the matter were that if just two knew what was going on hopefully they’d be so inclined to figure out what was happening in their mom’s head that they would be too busy to tell the others. Especially his eldest son who might just throw a fit about his mother’s absence.

“He think’s he’s still in the eleventh-”


“It’s before anything relevant happened so he’s not gonna know what’s going on. That’s why you two need to stay the hell away from him and keep your brothers and sisters away too”

Daijiro looked up at his Dad. “Well didn’t he still hate you after me? Couldn’t he just not remember us?”

“He doesn’t think he has kids at all. It doesn’t really matter now Jiro, stay away from. I don’t know how he’ll react-”

“What do you mean ‘how he’ll react’? You act like he’s not Mom anymore, he’s still the same person. He just doesn’t like you, couldn’t have changed that much” Daijiro shot back at the two captains. Ikkaku and Renji exchanged an unreadable look and then turned away from each other with these guilty expressions.

“Just..stay away from your mother” His Dad mumbled and walked out of the room.

“Uh..he’s really not different. Nothing changed at all, your mom just thinks he..looks..ugly…right now…so, just don’t go in so he wont freak” Renji seemed to nod a good job to himself before leaving the room.

“Did he just try to convince us not to go in there?” Kiyomi asked her big brother and looked over into his purple eyes.

“Yeah, think so”

“I was interested before but I have to do it” Daijiro nodded and stood.

“Wait..Ichigo is still in there” Suddenly they both flinched as the door was burst open and their father looked at them both with anger.

“And I’m only gonna say this once. Do not tell your brother about Mom” he said with an evil glint in his eye as he stare at Daijiro who smiled innocently and shrugged.

“Wouldn’t think of it”


R&R -cole-
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