Nov 25, 2009 19:54
Woo. Not a whole lot going on. Went out to Denton today to get waifu and take her to the airport. We went and got Chipotle... and I got some incense at Museum Earth. I really wanted to buy a smudge stick to cleanse my dream catcher since I've been having really bad dreams lately... but it was around fifteen dollars, and as much of a nazi as my dad has been about spending, I don't think I could justify that kind of a purchase. Especially since I can't exactly tell them what I bought it for. They'll think I'm becoming a pagan or something.
Which I'm not. I just happen to be open to other religions....
Buuut yeah.
Not much else to say, I guess. I miss waifu already. XD I should also be doing homework or packing to go to Kansas... instead, I'm mucking around on the internet. Like ya do.
Lately I've been listening to Arashi again. I listen to Dir en Grey when I get sick of the repetition, but it seems like I always listen to Vulgar, so that gets pretty redundant as well. XD Even though I adore that CD.
Thing is, I am stuck on one line in "Love So Sweet" by Arashi. I have no idea why. It is as follows.
明けない夜はないよ (akenai yoru ha nai yo)
There is no such thing as an endless night
For some reason. That line just brightens my day no matter when I think of it. I don't know. Maybe I need to be reminded that the shitstorm will end and things will get better. Or at least maybe I need to hope for that, even if it's not true.
Whoooo knoooows.
Yeah. I'm gonna go mess around. Maybe write some crap. I've been wanting to write about Jin. Though I'm sure I'll have plenty of time to do that while I'm in Kansas... doing nothing. XD
So. I'll be out of town until Sunday. Might be around to post if I can grab some internet at grandma's. But we'll see what happens.
Off to do stuff.