(no subject)

Apr 23, 2014 10:35

awards ceremony at the president Kandai of Osaka
традиционно мелкие фото  http://www.kansai-u.ac.jp/mt/archives/2014/04/post_916.html

смешной арт на тему одного из заданных вопросов  https://twitter.com/mi____cham/status/458589250808590336  этот вопрос и так был понятен, но здорово, что японские юзеры стали рисовать картинки. Хоть что-то становится понятным.

Опять же перевод от rosewood.  http://www.fsuniverse.net/forum/showthread.php?92180-Interview-with-Takahashi-Oda-and-Machida-at-Kansai-University  # 7
--Do you have any private plan?
Thakahashi: Nothing (laugh). As for my private life, I feel rush.

--Do you have any advice for him, Oda-san?
Oda: Advice about how to find a partner? I think he can find a partner very soon. I don't think he really feels rush. It would be nice if he'll have a partner. But I don't take it serious. If he really wants a partner, he'd better try for real. You can't get good result if you don't work with your whole heart. But he doesn't need to force himself to find a partner right now, since it is the time for him to do things which he really wants to do.
Takahashi: Thank you very much(laugh).
Ода-сан, вы такой...клевый:) (другое слово на ум не пришло)
Ох елки. Трейлер о_0 Во размах, аж пугает.  4/30 1:50 -2:00 Трейлер шоу Удивительная история, которое будет 5/3  http://www.fujitv.co.jp/b_hp/140429sugoijitsuwa_pr/index.html


translation, oda, tv, photo, interview, nobunari

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