(no subject)

Apr 22, 2014 23:06

awards ceremony at the president Kandai of Osaka

Якорь видео https://twitter.com/hinachi_asako/status/458549167128719362
Дубль ttp://youtu.be/4-bw8CrscOY
Дайчан и Ода-сан с тренерами, бумажная газета https://twitter.com/lll_hiro_lll/status/458369188868804608/photo/1
Якорь https://twitter.com/nanten16/status/458547261689978880

On the other hand, after his retirement, Oda's skate coaching as an assistant Noriko, and also has taken a new step as a professional. Hamada mayor sent the as "I think that it is lonely (retired), but the second life also become a glorious life I'm sure." Success in TV recent Oda's such appearances to talk show shows also became a hot topic, Oda-san was talking "because it is born in Osaka, or been to speak, or a laugh, there is a place greedy a (greedy)" he said.  http://sankei.jp.msn.com/region/news/140422/osk14042202050001-n1.htm

http://www.boom-sports.com/ интервью и много больших фото
Вау. Thank you, rosewood! Некоторый перевод и обещают еще http://www.fsuniverse.net/forum/showthread.php?92180-Interview-with-Takahashi-Oda-and-Machida-at-Kansai-University

а пока гугликом
What you want over now What
"I want a house. Therefore have a family, is the goal of now it's buy a house" Oda

Please tell me how to spend the day over the holiday
The park. I now go to the place where to go such as shopping ma

Where I went to the expedition camp , until now over , place remaining in the memories
In response to the shock for the first time . The thought that I was in Los Angeles and has went to camp for the first time , " Oda , but as" I'm delicious "when you drink the coffee of Starbucks for the first time . Even be something that all eat . Shocking , I remember "

If it is not over skater , occupation wanted to be the
" It is a civil servant . You are doing figure skating from the small time that we've lived life different from everyone else really , I've been longing for really such as average salaried worker . Officials stable after all kana most I " Oda

ОМГ я хотела это видео в хорошем качестве. Йес! Спасибо, vrnoog1n!
2014 Osaka EX "The Last Samurai" ttp://youtu.be/6nrzCSHhKo4
2014 SOI in Tokyo "The Last Samurai" No Commentary ttp://youtu.be/a0M9uz44noI
4/25) 0:03 - 1:09
Ить, опять ток-шоу. Та елки. Я хочу исчезнуть из центра внимания, но дом я тоже хочу:)  Особенно вштырил формат - тabloid show. Когда ж ты успел то? https://tv.so-net.ne.jp/schedule/102064201404250003.action Ода-сан, пожалуйста, вы хоть шоу выбирайте приличные, не абы какие. Чтобы из вас дурака не делали. Очень уж меня этот вопрос волнует.

translation, video, oda, tv, photo, interview, nobunari

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