May 11, 2007 20:05



Yeah, I gotta go back to summer school come monday. But one class is much better than say, the eight I was taking this semester. Significantly.

Ma and I picked up Oreo from the airport a few days ago. Todd and Molly agreed to take him in.

Oreo is our 13 year old cat we've "had" since I was in the second grade. The thing is, one of our houses we moved into, the landlord was allergic. And Meme, (my Ma's Ma) had died recently, so we saw this as an opportunity to give Pepe (my Ma's Pa) the chance to have some company.

And he did...until Pepe died in the summer of '01.

Oreo kinda sat around for some time with my cousins, but I guess they were going to get rid of him or something, so Todd, wanting to take him in, offered him a home. We worked out the details, and we had him shipped out a couple days earlier.

I have completed all my finals. I did shitty in stats apparently, as I suspected. But I got a 68 overall, which while at least passing.

However, I did do well on everything else at least. I think I did well on my Local Goc. final, and KNOW I did well on my finals for Visual Media, Communication Media, and Federal Gov. classes. My final project in my Astronomy Lab is still up in the Whatever.

Anyway, I think that's all for the mean time. I'm gonna go play SC III now.

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