Further Questions for Nominators

Oct 14, 2015 12:51

Thank you for your help so far. We are discussing and working on the issues reported so far - these will all be sorted before signups.

The following questions have come up during the open tagset vetting. We need to hear from the nominators to resolve these. Please link to your nominations page when you reply.
  • If you nominated Outlander (TV), Outlander Series - Diana Gabaldon or Lord John Series - Diana Gabaldon, please clarify which characters you nominated, to which of these fandoms.
  • Justified (TV) - we have a Mike (Justified), but it has been pointed out that this could be Mike Jackson or Mike Cosmatopolis. Please clarify which Mike you meant.
  • Maniac Mansion (Video Game) - there are green and purple tentacle characters in this game. Please clarify which one was meant by the nomination of the “tentacle”.

Please put all new corrections or challenges regarding other matters onto this post or its Dreamwidth equivalent. We will shortly stop checking the previous post.

Please remember:
  • If something has existing fics & it’s showing up in both the “wrong” media category and the “right” one (like Books and Video Games when Video Games makes no sense), please don’t tell us - we can’t fix this.
  • If something shows up in Uncategorized Fandoms or Unassociated Characters, we’re working on it. You don’t need to let us know.
  • The issue may have been reported already. If you can avoid duplicate comments, we appreciate it, as it saves us time.
  • We do want to know about duplicate characters, mis-spelled characters, and characters that seem to be appearing where they shouldn’t. Please tell us what the tags currently are, and what you think they should be. Please inform us of problems before 9am UTC on 18th October in order to help us get the tag set in order for sign-ups.

nom review, tag set review

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