Tag Set is Open!

Oct 12, 2015 14:04

The 2015 Yuletide tag set is here.
If you find you can’t access it, a mostly complete back-up version can be downloaded here as text files.

Browse! Marvel! Enjoy!

If you have corrections to note, or challenges to make, you can make them by replying to this post. Please say clearly what the current fandom and character tags are, and what you think they should be. Or, if you think a fandom has been rejected unfairly, please say why.

Challenges and corrections can be made until 9am UTC on the 18th of October. What time is that for me? After that, we will make final changes to the tagset, then we will open sign-ups. However, we encourage you to get challenges and corrections in as soon as possible, as that will allow sign-ups to open promptly and allow time for us to ask questions if we need clarification.

Corrections we can’t make
  • If a fandom appears in the wrong media category, please check to see if it also appears in the right one. If so, please don’t tell us about the extra category - that’s not a change we can make.
  • Capitalization - some capitalization changes are quite difficult for us to make. Please don’t mention them unless they drastically change the meaning of a tag. This also applies to missing diacritics.

Corrections we are interested in
  • Incorrect spelling. Please tell us how a tag should correctly appear.
  • Characters who appear in the wrong fandom - please tell us where they appear AND where they should appear.
  • Characters who appear twice in a fandom.
Please check if the correction has already been requested. Duplicate requests are not helpful. This post is also on Dreamwidth.

If you think a fandom has been incorrectly rejected:
  • Please give the name of the fandom, the characters you nominated, and a link to your nominations page.
  • Please give a clear and concise explanation of why the fandom should be reinstated.
  • If it needed evidence to be eligible (eg crossposts put it under the limit, or it is a fanwork), the time has passed to give evidence and it will not be reinstated.
  • If someone else has already requested a reinstatement and you have information to add, please add it to the same thread.
If the fandom was rejected by mistake, we'd like to correct it. Please be patient: we need to look at what you have submitted and discuss it before replying. All challenges submitted before 9am UTC on 18 October will be considered before sign-ups.

nom review, tag set review

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