[FANFIC] I'm forever yours- chap 2

May 22, 2011 16:44

[FANFIC] I'm forever yours

After 12 years...
Our characters already grew up alot!
Yuto (21)
Ryo (19)
Yuri (19)
TY (20)
Lacie (18)
Yuki (16)

Chap 2- Yuto X TY
Yuto: TY chan!
TY: yes Yuto sama?
Yuto: hey, there's no one here, just call me yuto
TY: Hai yuto sam... I mean Yuto Kun...
Yuto: ... Are you done with your training yet?
TY: Yep, so I'm free right now... Why?
Yuto: I want to take you to the town and have a stroll because it's
Mothers birthday soon... I don't know what to buy... I need a girl to
help me... And so I choose you to help me... You would not mind right?
TY: Of course I wouldn't mind!
Yuto (hands her her sword and holds her hand): Lets go then!
In the town...
TY: Ohayoo Miki chan!
Miki: Ohayoo! Need to buy milk?
TY: Yep! There £0.5
Miki: Thanks!
Yuto: TY?
TY: Yea?
Yuto (blushes): nothing... Hey! There's the shop! Let's go in~
TY: Sure...
Yuto: ehhh! There's so much jewelry to choose from! Help me... TY chan?

Yuto looks at her and saw that she's looking at a blue crystal tear
shape necklace...

TY: Oh! I'm sorry! I wasn't listening...
Yuto: never mind ;) let's choose something for mother! She likes
something elegent and warm colours...
TY (Holds up a creamy Pink moon shape necklace): would this do?
Yuto (examines it and finnaly nodded): Perfect! You are good at
choosing presents :) thank you!
TY: you are welcome :) I'm glad that you found a suitable present for
Queen Ai
Yuto: All the credits goes to you ;) can you wait outside while I pay
for it?
TY: Hai! As you wish.
TY went outside the shop and suddenly saw a man grabbed a little Girl
and ran.
She runs after that man...
Yuto: TY chan! I'm done!... Where is she?
TY catches up with that man at the seashore.
Man: Who are you?! Why are you here?!
TY: I am a body guard of the prince!
Man: then why did you follow me?!
TY: I do not forgive a man that kidnaps a small innocent child!
Man (draws his weapon): Then fight for her!
Hana: TY chan! Save me!!
The man throws Hana into the sea and she is starting to drown.
Hana: Save me!!!
TY: Hana! You beast! I won't forgive you!!! Bring it on!!!!
*they fight*
TY defeated the man but she got hurt during the fight, and blood is
rushing out.
TY: I can't give up now! I have to save Hana chan!
Without one more word she jumped into the sea...
Yuto: Where might Ty chan be? Did she wonder off to somewhere?
Hana (soaking wet): Help!! Somebody help!!!
Yuto: What happened Hana chan?
Hana: Prince Yuto! TY chan is in danger! She's bleeding alot from
saving me! I was kidnapped by a man and she came saving me!
Yuto: TY!! Bring me there at once!
Page: Ill go find Yuki and Lacie and a doctor.
Yuto: Onegaishimas!
Man: Thanks to you!!! I'll kill you!!
TY: H...hel.. Help!
Yuki & Lacie apperes and kicked the man in the center of his chest.
The man falls again
Lacie: You are going to prison!
Yuki: TY chan!
Yuto (holds her in his hug): Ty chan, are you alright?
TY: Im sorry Yuto sama, I didn't defend myself... I'm useless...
Yuto: Sh... Don't say a word, let me bring you to the doctor... You'll
be fine... I won't let anything happen to you! I'm here for you.
Remember that.
Yuto carried TY back to the palace...
Yuki: Yuto sama really cares about TY chan ne~ I envy her XD
Lacie: Me too, such a sweet and thoughtful prince...
Yuri, Ryo: Ne, is TY chan alright?
Yuki, Lacie: yep, yuto sama is taking really good care of her, we re
just chatting about we envy that yuto really care for her...
Yuri, Ryo: ... We care for you!
All of them blushed and kept quiet...
TY's room...
Yuto: are you feeling any better now?
TY: Im fine yuto sama
Yuto: what did I say earlier today?
TY: hai Yuto kun...
Yuto (smiles): ne, just go to sleep now, good night
TY: u too

To be continued

yuto nakajima

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