[FANFIC] I'm forever yours

May 22, 2011 11:01

[FANFIC] I'm forever yours

Main Character:
King Johnny
Yuri  (youngest prince)
Ryosuke  (Second prince)
Yuto  (1st prince)
Yuki (body guard of Yuri)
Lacie (body guard of Ryosuke)
TY (body guard of Yuto)

Chap 1- Who are those girls?

In Kingdom Johnny there lived 3 happy young prince named Yuri, Ryosuke 
and Yuto... One day they were playing at the back garden as usuall but 
they saw 3 strange girls.... Ryosuke the bravest one, went towards 

Ryo: Who are all of you?
Lacie: Nice to meet you my highness, I'm Lacie.
Yuki: Im Yuki
TY: and I'm TY
Ryo (pushes the girls): This is not a place for normal weak girls to 
be in here! This is a palace! So I, as a prince command all of you to 
leave now!!
TY: Im sorry your highness, but we cannot fullfill your wish. We are 
asked to stay here to wait for King Johnny.
Yuto: Our Father? Erm... Could you repeate your name again?
TY: TY, your highness.
Ryo: Onii chan! You can't let them in!!!
Yuto: Silence! We will wait until father comes!

At this moment, Yuri who is just playing by himself walked near to the 
deep pool filled with small beautiful fishes in it... Yuki, suddenly 
ran away from the corner of conversation and jumpped into the pool.

TY, Lacie, Yuto, Ryo: Yuki (chan)!!!

They all ran over to the pool and saw Both Yuri and Yuki floated up... 
Yuki hold on tight to Yuri as they went back up to the floor.

Yuri (slapped Yuki's hands away from him): I do not need some weak 
girl to save me!!! Stay away from me!!!
Yuki: Ah... I'm sorry my highness...
Yuto: Yuri! How could you say that?! She saved you!! Say thank you now!
Yuri: NO!! NEVER! Why do I need to say thank you to a girl?!

King Johnny: Silence!! What is going on here?!

When Ty, Lacie and Yuki saw King Johnny, they all knelt down on the 

Ty, Lacie, Yuki: My highness...
King Johnny: You may stand.
Ty, Lacie, Yuki: Thank you your highness.
Yuto, Ryo, Yuri: Father!
King Johnny: Ah!! Sons, come here! I have 3 girls to introduce to you, 
they are Ty, Lacie and Yuki. From now on they will be your body guards 
and they will protect you from any danger at all. Go choose one that 
you wish to be your own personal body guard.

The three boys just stood there and said nothing, and the three girls 
kept silence also...

King Johnny: Lets not waste any time! here! I'll choose for you.
-Yuto, TY
-Ryo, Lacie
-Yuri, Yuki
There done! I'll be looking farward to your progress ladies.
Ty, Lacie and Yuki: we will do out best!
  King Johnny went away...
Yuto: ... TY chan?
TY: Yes? Yuto sama?
Yuto: come with me, I'll show you around the palace.
TY and Yuto leaves...
Lacie: Yuki chan! You are soaking wet! Let's go to change... Ryosuke 
sama, where are the servent bathrooms?
Ryo: E... to... Just come to my room for now... Yuri! You are coming 
with me! Also, Dont call me Ryosuke, call me Ryo.
Lacie: Hai Ryosuk... I mean Ryo sama...
Ryo (smiles)
Yuri: Th... thank you for saving me... I'm sorry I said such mean 
Yuki: Its alright my highness, it is my pleaseure to save you.

To be continued!!!
Ne ne! I hope you liked it!

johnny kitagawa, yuri chinen, hey say jump, yuto nakajima, yamada ryosuke

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