[ONE-SHOT] Beautiful Lies

Nov 12, 2011 15:57

Title: Beautiful Lies
Author: Yuukigreentea (Yuuki)
Pairing: YamaChii
Rating: PG 13
Genre: Romance, agnst
Summary: You won't die, because I'm not allowing it.
Warning; Character dies! *shoot me if you want*


You alway lie to me... Your lies were there to protect me and hide me from the truth... But all of them were beautiful lies.. Lies that showed me your love....

"Yuri, daijiobu desu, it's a natural process of nature.. It's just the matter of time... I'll die sooner or later anyways with this diseases..." Ryosuke held back the crying squirrel as the doctor went out of the room after telling the sad news that no one is willing to donate parts of their organs.

"Ryo chan! You know that there's still a chance for you to live! Why are you giving up so easily?! Don't you want to get better?" Chinen held those big hands tight as tears continue to roll down his cheeks. The older boy shook his head.

"I want to live also, but if no one is willing to donate organs, how am I going to live? Besides that, not every organs will fit my body perfectly desho? So don't insist anymore. I hate to see you like that." Ryosuke cupped the little boys cheeks as he kissed away all those heart breaking tears.

"Ryo chan... Gomen ne, I shouldn't be like this.. I'm sorry..." The little boy hugged his prince tightly as he knows that this is another lie to keep him away from the truth.

"Yamada Kun, we're sorry to tell you that non of the organs many people donate fits with your body. If we transport that into you, you might also die in a short period of time..." The doctor explained as Yamada's hope fall.

"Daijiobu sensei. How long can I still live?" The two didn't noticed that outside the door stood Chinen Yuri, who is listening to their conversation.

"Around 3 months, if we don't find suitable organs for you as soon as possible.. You may die with in a month or two."
"Souka... Please do not tell my family this.. Just say that no one is willing to donate organs.. So that they won't worry as much..."

"Yuri... Don't cry... When I die..." The sleeping Ryosuke mumbled as he tighten his grip on the squirrels hands. The little boy squeezed the hand wrapped around his softly, as if telling Yamada that he won't. As Yamadas knoted eyebrows relax. Chinen gently took his hand out of the older boys.

"You won't die, because I'm not allowing it." The little boy quietly went out of the room and to the doctor that's in charge of Ryosuke. He knocked as he went into the room.

"Ah Chinen Kun, how may I help you?"
"I want to..."


"Yuri!" The chubby cheeked boy hugged the squirrel as soon as Chien walks into his sick room. "Some one donated their organs and it fits my body perfectly!! I'll have the opperation next week!! I can live!!"

"Souka? Im glad to hear that!" Yuri hugged his strawberry boy tightly as if there's no tomorrow. The older boys excitment went down as he feels something wrong with his lover.

"Yuri? Are you okay?" Yamada asks as he pulls away from the hug in order to see his chibi's face. But tears were covered all over Yuris cheeks. "Why are you crying? Doshitano?"

"Im happy for you! These are tears of happiness!" Chinen wiped his face as he laughs. "Im overjoyed! Ryo chan!" but the tears don't seem to stop and Ryosuke doesn't know why. The older boy wiped his lovers tears as he hugs the little one.

"Yuri, will you be there with me in the opperation?" Ryosuke stroked the glossy black hair as he ask. Feeling a nod from his squirrel. "Im so happy that I could live again, I'm so happy tha you'll be by my side as I take my opperation... Thank you so much for never leaving me during all these time..." Yuri smiled bitterly as he wrapped his hands around his boy...

'Gomen ne... Ryo chan...'

Yuri know what he'll have to face.. A lie, under a lie... A bitter truth..

"Ryosuke, are you nervouse?" Yuri asks as the doctors are getting ready for the opperation. Ryosuke and Yuri are standing by the door. Holding onto each others hands.

"Kinda.. But as long as you're here with me, I'll be fine. I hope the opperation will be sucessful.." Ryosuke linked his fore head on Chinens while smiling sweetly.

"Everything will be okay, trust the doctors. I'll be waiting here for you." Chinen stopped talking as the doctor called for Yamada. "I love you.. Very much.." The little boy kissed those rose red lips before telling Yamada to go in the opperation room.

"Lets thank the generous person once I finish my opperation. Ne?"

The little squirrel went to the window, together with Yamada family and his family. Watching the opperation. Chinen smiled as Yamada looked at him. Reasuring him that everything would be okay. The older boy believed that smile as he lied down while the docotor put a flask over his mouth and nose.

For a second before Yamadas eyes closed.. He saw a tear run down his chibi's cheeks. It wasn't long before the opperation started when Chinen fell onto the ground...


You said that everything will be okay. You said you would be there, waiting for me. I believed you. So why did you leave me then?

"Why?! Why?!?!" It's been a week since the opperation but I never got to see Yuri. When I came out of the opperation room, I scan through the people beside me. Everyone was there except one. Chinen Yuuri. I didn't ask. Yet, I knew what had happened "Yuri... Why... Why did you leave me when you promised me that you'll be there?!?! Why didn't you tell me.. You were the person that donated those organs... The organs in my body.. That extended my life... Yuri.."

"Yamada kun... Chinen kun told me not to tell you... Because he knows that you'll disagree with him when we found out that his organs matches your body.. He told me to give it to you one week later after the surgery.." The doctor handed the crying boy the letter as he walks out of the sick room. Giving Ryosuke some space.

Dear baka buta Ryo chan,

I suppose when you read this letter, I'm probably already gone. Gomen ne.. For not keeping my promises and leave you alone in the world.

When I decided to donate my organs, I knew that I would die not long after that. But I didn't regret doing this at all, I'm glad that I can save you. You'll probably be angry at me, but I'm willing to sacrifice my life to save you.

All along I know what was going on. I knew everything. Just that I followed your plan and acted with you. But I'm also sorry for lying to you, I love you so much.. Much much more than you think I do.

Promise me that you'll live on happily and always smile. I don't want to see you cry, I'll always be watching over and protecting you in heaven!

Live your life brightly ne! Good bye Ryosuke.. And I love you.

Your spoilt Yuri

Ryosuke hugged the piece of paper close to his chest as tears fell, spreading the ink of the letter. "I love you too... Yuri..." This will be the last, and most beautiful lie...


Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.


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