Invisible for a while :(

Nov 08, 2011 19:48

Heyy minna~ Yuki desu!...

Eto I don't really know how to say this but the main idea is that I want to take a break from writing FF for maybe like a month or two? Well, since I'm kinda getting busy for my educational ballet tour and I don't have a steady Internet connection. I'll be on sometimes but not offten :( I'll be there when you guys update or post new fics though :) and commet too :D

Ren-Ren chan~~~ Gomen ne i didn't comment on ur fic lately! But u finished Never Ending Night and Im glad that Lori let the couple be :) Shou chan! U better take care of Kana well too! And AWWWWW! Yuki-chan must be so cute!!! (Rushes to pinch his cheeks)

And Rei chan! *hugs u tight* Im anticipating for the update of "I Hate you..? Or do I?" Sorry if the title above is wrong cuz I wrote it by memory :) <3 the story!

Rin Chan!!!! I'll also be waiting for Taxi Driver desu~~~ ohhoho, I wonder what would happen next ne! Poor Dai chan :( hugs the penguin.. Love your fics :D

Gosh, Im reading so much fics that I lost count, anyways, Im going to be online a while to comment or reply :) so I'll see you soon~~~ I'll update No-no to love after my break ne~~

<3 <3 <3


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