[FANFIC] Happily ever after? (1/?)

Jul 09, 2011 13:49

[FANFIC] Happily ever after? (1/?)

Pairing: YamaChii (Main), Inoobu (slight)
Warning: Inoo is a girl here
Note: For the readers who read Bus of Fate, I decided to stop writing it because of some personal reasons. And so I'm starting on this new chaptered fic to apologize. Gomenasai!

Chap 1- Happily ever after doesn't exist


"And they all lived happily ever after... The end." Hikaru closed the story book as he patted little Yuris head, smiling. "Are you still not sleepy? Or do you want papa to read another story boook?" Hikaru gently asks as little Yuri shakes his head and stare at him with his big beautiful brown eyes.

"Papa~ Does happily ever after exist?" little Yuri, is a very bright boy, he would always asks you question that normal 5 year old won't ask about. He is a smart and active boy that everyone loves.

"Of course ne~ silly boy, happily ever after exists for everyone. If they think so." Hikaru smiled at his son and ruffled his hair a bit. "Its time to sleep ne~ good night~ sweet dreams" Hikaru carried the little squirrel to his bed and pulled the cover over his small body.

"Oyasumii papa..." Yuri kissed his Hikapapas and Inoomamas cheeks before drifting of to his dream land.

"Oyasumii Yuri.." The parents switch off the lights as they close the door.

-End of flashback-

"Papa... Why did you have to leave us?" Yuri is walking to the ramen store that his mother works at as a part time.

His father, Hikaru Yaotome, died at the age of 30 because he was murdered by his step brother-Yabu Kota. Yabu and Inoo have been lovers before Inoo met Hikaru in a pub. And that was the place where they had Yuri. Hikaru didn't run away from his responsiblity and married Inoo, and as result, Inoo fell in love with Hikaru and gave birth to Yuri. They lived very happily until the death of Hikaru. Yabu demanded Inoo to love him back, but the young mother couldn't because she loved Hika more than Yabu. So she brought Yuri with her, hiding away from Yabu and secretly change their last name in to Chinen.


"Yuri honey, I'm going to make you promise me. And you know what it is when it comes to a promise. I want you to promise me not to mention Hikapapa to anyone. " Inoo took hold of Yuris shoulders and talked to him in a serious way.

Yuri knew what it's like when it comes to a promise, when you promise something, you can never break it. He slowly nodded and huged his crying mother. "I promise you. I promise I will never mention Hikapapa in front of anyone. Don't cry mama... *sniff*" Yuri started to cry also. "Mama! I want Hikapapa! I miss papa and his stories!"

Inoo wiped her tears and huged the squirrel. "Papa is in a land far away from us, he loves you very much but he has to leave us ne~ don't worry... He will come back soon... Ne Yuri, don't cry kay? Boys have to be strong! You have to be as strong as Hikapapa ne!" Inoo faked a smile and calmed Yuri down. Then the little squirrel held his Teddy and his mothers hand, walking towards the staion to his new life with his new name. Chinen Yuri.

-End of flashback-

"Mama!" Chinen stepped into the ramen shop as he saw his mother washing the dishes and her boss- Daiki Arioka.

"Ah Yuri~ you are early today ne~ Mama haven't finish yet~ can you wait for 10 mins?" Inoomama said as she smiled brightly at her 18 year old son.

"Hora hora~ I really envy you Chinen San! I wish my daughters can pick me up everyday from work ne~ Yuri is such a good boy!" Daiki said as he came out of the kitchen.

"Konbawa Daiki kun." Yuri bowed and flashed a smile. Daiki was funny and kind, he is always taking good care of mother.

"Konbawa Chii chan~ Ne Chinen San, why don't you leave early today? There not that much customers today anyways. Spend some time with your son~" Daiki offered as he took the dish from Inoo.

"Hountoni arigatou---" Inoo suddenly fainted and Daiki catches her in time.

"Chinen San!!!"


"Mrs. Chinen has cancer and she only has 3 more years left... " Doctor Yuto said after he examined the papers.

"Sensei! Please save my mother! Please! I beg you..." Hearing this, Chinen broke down in tears and held his mothers hand tight. 'I don't want feel that pain anymore...'

I don't want to lose mama like I lost Hikapapa...

To be continued...

Special thanks to Ren chan and the song "When you're gone" By Avril! They inspired me to write this fic!

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.


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