Crazy idea of JUMP fishes xD

Jul 09, 2011 09:27

Haha~ I just realized that I have 10 fishes in my aquerium! <--- reminds me of JUMP~ I've noticed that there are a few pairings in my underwater world! There's two big fish I have and I've taken care of them since I was like... 6? I think around that age? The fishies didn't have a name until yesterday xD

The two big ones that I mention before are named Yabu and Inoo~ cuz one is slightly 'fatter' than the other one :D there's also a pair which are tiny fishes! Literally tiny! And I named them YamaChii xDDD

Lastly there's a medium sized pair that are really calm that never fights for food. I name them Okajima~ since this couple are kind of calm I guess~

So basically I have 6 fishes that are named after JUMP members and they are actually paired up <-- kayaaa-ing xD sorry for wasting your time if you read this xDDD crazy me as usual <3

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