[FANFIC] My White Sakura Fairy (2/2)

Jul 01, 2011 21:02

[FANFIC] My White Sakura Fairy (2/2)

Pairing: YamaChii
Warning: Chii is a girl here

After that day, Yamada visited the tree everyday for the past 13 years. The tree after 13 years, became a normal sakura tree. It turned from white to pink again. This made Yamada really worried about Chii. One more year until he sees her again... But will she make it? Yamada touches the smooth surface of his silver ring.

Meanwhile in Sakura Fairy Island, fairy Granny is sitting beside Yuri's bed. She sighed as the doctor came in. She stared at Yuri's ring, then held her icy cold hand.

"Im sorry Yuri... If I didn't make you leave the human world 13 years ago... You wouldn't have fall sick... It's all granny's fault... I'm sorry..." Fairy Granny cried as Yuri didn't even move a bit. Her eyes were kept shut tightly and her body temperature is as cold as the ring she's wearing on her fourth finger.

'Ryosuke...' Yamada heard his name echoing in his head again by a girls voice... It sounded familiar but he's not sure if it was Chii. They sounded really different. "Chii... What is happening? Why did the sakura tree you are watching over become a normal sakura tree? What happened?" Yamada climbed to the top of the sakura tree and sat on a branch, thinking of the time they were together.

"Princess Yuri has an unusual sickness... This sickness may have came from the human world. It can only be cured if she is happy again." The doctor explained everything to King Keito and Queen Yuti. They were sitting beside their daughters bed taking extra care of her since for 18 years, they didn't really talked much.

"Son... There's something you should know..." Fairy Granny came into the room and said as she wiped her tears. Pointing at Yuris ring...

Yamada is preparing for the flower festival, it is tonight. For the past years, he remembered that every night he cried, call out her name, and hug the ring to sleep. He missed her until now. Yamada couldn't bare it anymore. He changed his clothes and went to the sakura tree.

11:55 pm

Yamada arrived at the entrance of the festival

11:57 pm

Yamada is walking faster

11:58 pm

Yamada is standing underneath the tree

11:59 pm

Yamada lit a candle

12:00 am

He was about to sit down when suddenly, a cool breeze came and a sakura fell into his hand... It wasn't pink... But it's original colour. White. Yamada was suprised and looked up. No one was there... He looked around when suddenly he heard giggles comming on top of the tree. Suddenly, a girl, wearing white kimono flew down in front of him. Yamada's eyes widen and nothing can come out of his mouth. It was Chii...

"Ryo-chan~ hasashiburi, do you remember me?" the girl asked as a sweet melody flew out from her mouth. Chii is more beautiful than when she was little, she looks more mature and cute. The cute smile was still there. And the one thing Ryosuke could always remember is her big watery brown eyes.

"Chii..." Yamada mumbled as he takes a step closer. So does the girl. "Are you... Chii?" asking this, Chii giggled as she put her hand up. Showing the ring with the beautiful carving.

"Does this explain?" Chii smiled as she floated to right infront of him. "As i promised, I will see you 13 years later. And now I am here. Have you forgoten me?" Chii tilted her head and asked purposly.

"How could I forget my first love?" Ryosuke smiled at the question and took her hand into his. "Do you know, bacause of you, I literally cried everynight for the past 13 years before I sleep and erm... Dream of you..." He is blushing really really hard when he said that. Chii giggles and hugs him tightly.

"Me too... I miss you ne... Ryosuke..." Chii lowered her voice as she lays her head on his chest. "Im sorry..."

"Dont say that ne... What happen to the tree?" Ryosuke sat down under the tree, hugging her back. "It suddenly became pink and it's white again now..."

"I didn't tell you something, my emotions controls the colour of the flowers. If i'm happy and normal, it's white, if I'm sad, sick or anything else, it turns back to pink." Chii softly explains as she picked up a sakura. It is white and the moon light add an extra mysterious blue on the petals. "Its blue now, guess what it means." Chii looked up and smiled at him.

"Blue... I don't know ne~~~ fairy colour meaning is different than human world ne~" Ryosuke tighten his hug as he answered. Ruffling her black hair and brushed her bangs away.

"It means... In love in fairy meaning." Chii snuggles nearer to Ryosuke and giggles as he held her waist tighter in his embrace.

"In love huh, so you are in live with me?" Yamada smirked as he saw a blush creep through her angel like face. "I love you too..." Yamada made her face him and planted a soft kiss on her kissable lips.

"I love you Ryosuke...too..." Yuri returned the kiss and wrapped her arm around his neck. Soon, they broke the kiss and stared at each other for a while, then looked at the fireworks.

Suddenly, Chii started to dissapear. And yamada started to panic. "What is happeneing?? Why are you dissapering?? Chii, please don't leave me again!!!!!" Yamada held her hand and started to cry again.

"I broke the rules of sakura fairy land. Once a fairy confessed to a human, the cost, is our life." Chinen let a tear roll down her face as Ryosuke kisses it away.

"Then why did you confess to me? I won't want you to die Yuri..." Ryosuke cries and hugs Yuri. "I wish I can die with you... If I can... My life is you... I want nothing but you... Why...?"

"Im sorry, Ryosuke... Even if I didn't confess to you, I would die soon also... I have a weird sickness and I may die any moment, so, I decided to confess to you... I really really love you. But im really sorry also..." Chinen already lost the colours of her cheeks and lips. She was weak and her body temperature fell.

"What can I do to be with you? I don't want you to leave me again..." Ryosuke pleaded to know before Yuri completly dissapear into the night sky. "I will do anything for you, even if I die for you, so please, just tell me..."

"Easy..." Chinen took hold of Ryosukes nape and kissed his lips lightly. Suddenly, both of their body started to go transparent. Yuri let go of him and looked into his eyes. "Im sorry... You have your family and friends... But... You still decided to die with me..."

"Anything for my first, and last love of my life. I love you more than you think. My life is yours also. So if your life ends, my life should too. I'm glad I can be tied to you forever and ever..." Ryosuke and Yuri looked up into the sky once more before they completely vanish into the air...

Now... Even if you go to there now, You can always see 2 blue sakura at the top amongs the white sakura. The two blue sakura means one, Ryosuke and the other one, Chii.


Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.


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