[FANFIC] My White Sakura Fairy (1/2)

Jul 01, 2011 10:28

[FANFIC] My White Sakura Fairy (1/2)

Pairing: YamaChii
Warning: Chii is a girl here

5 year old Yama chan is a very chubby cheeked, energetic boy; the captin of '1234 Go!' football team of aged 5-10. He is honest with his parents and is a good little boy. Except he had a secret that no one knows...

4 year old Chii is a very cute and peaceful little girl; She is always alone at home because her mother and father are always busy. She had a secret also that no one knows...


"Chii chan!! Come out ne~ Its Yama chan here!!!" Yamada cheerfully called out tko the tree of Sakura, except this is no ordinary sakura, it's white instead of pink.

A cool summer breeze lightly swept across, still, no one apperes. The little boy frowned and starts to move around the tree, seeing no one behind, he climbed up the tree. Then seeing a little girl dressed in a white kimono standing there, giggling. Yamada smirked as he found his aim. He slowly moves to her back and hugs the girls tiny waist.

"Whos being a naughty little fairy? Not showing up on time?" Yamada crawls down the tree with Chii in his arms, asking on purpose, making the little girl blush.

"Gomen ne Yama chan~ I just want to play with you a bit since I'm always a good girl showing up on time~~ I got caught ne~ " Chii giggles as her bare foot touched the ground. Sitting beside next to Yamada. "Dont you have school after noon today?? Where's your school bag?" She asked as he didn't bring his cute Rilakkuma bag with him.

"Its summer holiday~ I have no school~ so I can spend the after noon with you ne~ Where do you want to play today?" Yamada replied as he stood up, stretching towards the red orange sky. "Its the flower festival tonight! Do you want to come?"

"Un! I love to! Sound like it's dedicated to me ne~ you can lead the way captin Yama chan!" Chii smiled as Yama chan took her hand. She floats up to the sky and starts to 'walk' with him to the festival.

"Ah! Wait!" Yamada stopped and thought for a while."You can't fly here, people will notice you and you have no shoes to wear.... Why don't we go to my home first ne?"

"Oh souka~ okay then~" Chii realized and floated back down. The floor was burning hot and bumpy. She immedietly floated back up and refused to touch the floor again.

"Doshita? You should walk now..." Yamada looked at her in a confused way. Chii shook her head and stayed in the air. Making Yamada panic because soon it's rush hour time and people might notice her. "Then... I'll carry you, the floor must be very hot~ gomen ne~" Yamada kneels down and Chii slightly blushed as she relaxes on his back. It was warm and wide, this made her feel home. Without noticing, the little girl fell asleep on his back and made Yamada giggle.

"Ne, wake up Chii~ it's time to go to the flower festival!" Yamada shook her lightly as she opens her big watery brown eyes. Yamada changed into a kimono and held out a pair of wooden slipper to Chii.

"Arigatou ne Yama chan~" Chii wore the slippers and it just fitted perfectly. It matched with her kimono that she always wear. "Its perfect~ Hountoni arigatou~" Chii tiptoed and kisses Yamadas cheeks. Making the older boy's face heat up and become a red tomato head.

They then ran to the festival and had alot of fun, Yamada even got them both silver rings saying "R&Y friendship forever"

"You sure you want this ring? Little boy and girl?" The lady asked from that stall as she carefully carved the letters out looking at the two kids with their eyes sparkling.

"Un~ " the little boy smiles as he hands 100 yen to the lady. And put his ring on the middle finger and so does Chii.

"Ne, we will be good friends forever ne?" Chii asked as she ate her cotton candy and shared some to Yamada.

"Un~ forever and ever we will be going friends. Promise me that you won't take off that ring ne?" Yamada replied as he took a bite.

"Okay~ From now on, I, Yuri Chinen will always wear this ring~" Chinen said as she looked at the beautiful carving. "Your turn now Yama chan~" They walked up to the white sakura tree and sat down.

"I, Ryosuke Yamada, will never take off this ring and be best friends with Yuri Chinen forever and ever~" Yamada and Chinen made a pinky promise when a voice echoed in Chinens head...

'Yuri, Yuri! Don't break the rules of King Keito. If you made a promise with the humans, you can never return to Sakura fairy island.' Chinen stopped as she's about to promise Yamada...

"Chii? Doshita?" Yamada worriedly asked as he saw Chii daydreaming.

"Oh erm... Iie... Yama chan, I promise---" Chinen was once cut of by that voice in her head.

'Yuri! Don't be stupid! He's a human! He won't remember you! He will never remember anything once you returned to your parents!! Go home now before I ask the fairy guards to take you back!' Chii starts to have a head ach and shouts to herself "No! I want to be with Yama chan, granny!! I like playing with Yama chan! Why can't fairies be friends with humans?! Yama chan and I promised!" Suddenly, Chinen is grabbed by two fairy guards and is taken away back to where she belongs.

"Chii chan!" Yamada starts running but he's tripped on a small stone.

"Yama chan! I promise I will meet you in 13 years! I will never take off your ring! Please wait for me!!" Chinen shouted out these last words before she and the two guards dissapear.

"I will wait for you! I promise!! Please come and see me after 13 years!" Yamada wiped his tears as he saw a smile of Yuri's.

The 3 disappered and Yamada slowly went back home

-End Of Flashback-

To be continued...

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