Chinese New Year will be in a few days' time... I already did all my shopping, so there's nothing to worry about. I still have to clean my room though, but I like cleaning my room! Then there are the usual communication worries... I feel scared of my uncles and aunts' children. They are all around 5 years old or younger and... I don't know how to communicate with them. Despite being a kid before, children of the new generation baffle me. Yes, the truth is out. I think they feel the same too, since they don't attempt to talk to me like the others. Instead, they like staring at me... Freaky.
I watched The Prestige on DVD the other day and it was such a beautiful movie. No, I do not mean beautiful as in a sweet, fluffy sort of way, but beautiful in its direction and execution. Christopher Nolan shines again with his trademark style of plot twists with The Prestige after Memento, and with this he has a reserved place in my heart as one of my favorite directors. The all-star cast, especially Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale are impressive, not to mention Scarlett Johansson. Although Bale's trademark gloominess was employed once again here (THE Bat scowl), it works thematically as this IS a dark movie. It delves into the primitive nature of human beings as beings that will do anything when the push comes to the shove. Hugh Jackman is the antithesis to Bale's cold and calculated methods with his brashness and charm. So much so I secretly believe that Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale are actually long-lost brothers in real life.
I pray that we will see more movies of this standard in the future. Highly recommended!