Silence Shattered By My Loud, Mannish Laugh

Jul 30, 2013 14:50


It's been quite a long time, hasn't it? How are you all? What's new? What have I missed? I hope nothing bad.

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durrhurr, milo kneads love, nimue and..., real life sucks, health

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yukinoomoni July 31 2013, 23:18:14 UTC
I started to cry when I read your injuries. Couldn't help it. It's the benefit of having emotions, a bleeding vagina, and wanting to destroy the person who did it. Did they get caught? Oh dog, this fucking world. It's exact what I'm afraid of, these things. I wish I could protect you (all of you). I wish I could box you all up. ;.; I hope you aren't broken.

Now, I've had both CT and CAT scans. Is it the one where you're stuck in the donut that's like a coffin (CAT), or is it the one that has you passing through the donut, but not stuck in it?(CT) Either way, CT is better. You have to drink a lot of orange radiation (I swear this is true. Two medium-sized cups of orange, sugary radioactive drink.) If you have nice people with you in the drinking room, it's fun. If you're in crisis and lack the above prep, it's much worse, believe me. They actually inject that shit into your blood, shove a TUBE UP YOUR ASS, and you can FEEL the radiation in your blood, because it heats it up for a moment! Aaaaa!

CAT scans SUCK. Especially if you have claustrophobia. I had two, and they were awful. I had to blindfold myself, because if I opened my eyes while in the tube, I could feel myself start to panic. Especially at one point, when they tilted me backwards! They have this thing you can squeeze if you are about to lose your shit (possibly literally I've heard), and it's so hard to keep calm. My second one, the worst and longest, had me crying silently and reciting entire episodes of Shadow Raiders from the first episode, line-for-line, in my head (yes - I have almost EVERY SINGLE EPISODE MEMORISED THIS WAY). Halfway through the second episode (I rewound a few scenes when panic or instruction interrupted), I was taken out, and instantly pitied. One nurse stroked my hair away from my face - stuck on by tears.

So I REALLY HOPE it's CT! Yay words! *headdesk*


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