
Jul 04, 2011 10:19

Everyone! Everyone! I'm writing again! I just wrote a fanfic for avatar_500, for the first time in almost two months!

I'm so happy =D. I hope the dry spell is over for good. I MISSED WRITING SILLY FANFIC!!!

Now I can catch up on a my Maiko meme (I only have one prompt left after all), and then hopefully catch up to my other fics as well, especially Midnight and Daybreak (which, for some reason, keeps getting Favourited, despite not being updated in over four months).

*has a happy*

Oh, and just so you all know: I never made the deadline for banked_flame, but I do plan on and will be posting the fic once it's finished. I worked way too hard to just dump it all now. Plus, I really like it. I plan on making a trilogy of these Big Bang fics, starting with the one I first wrote for avatarbigbang. I have no idea though what the third and last one will be quiet yet. Oh well =D

scribbling, cartoon: a:tla

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