Color Blind

Aug 13, 2010 19:56

Author: YukiBoo
Pairing: Chibi!Yunjae
Genre: Fluff, AU
Length: Oneshot
Summary: Little Yunho's going color blind.

"Alright kids," Miss Park turned to the small group of children sitting in front of her.

"You see the green tiles on the book? Those are the adding tiles, the red ones are the ones you use for subtraction. Does everyone get it?"

"Yes Ms. Park." The kids chorused in response.

"Joongie," a quiet whisper reached little Jaejoong's ears and he turned his attention to the kid sitting beside him.

"Yes Yunnie?" He tilted his head cutely and smiled at his friend.

"Where are the red boxes?" Little Yunho asked while scratching his head.

Jaejoong furrowed his brows and pouted in thought. He looked down at Yunho's book and pointed confusedly at where the red tiles were located.

"It's right there Yunnie."

"Where? No it's not! Those are green!"

".They're very red YunYun" Jaejoong looked at the boy next to him oddly.

Yunho stared intently at the spot where Jaejoong pointed. After a couple of seconds, his face scrunched up in irritation.

"They're all green!"

Jaejoong giggled at Yunho. How could he not see the red boxes? They spent the rest of their time arguing over the colors of the tiles in the book.

"Yunnie! Are you color blind?!" Jaejoong exclaimed as he poked Yunho's forehead.

Yunho rubbed his forehead and shook his head stubbornly.

"No Joongie! I- "

"Class is over children!" Miss Park smiled and bid some of them them goodbye while kids stayed in class to wait for their parents to pick them up.

Yunho and Jaejoong stayed in their spots as they, too, still have to wait for their parents.

Jaejoong got up and took out some markers from the cupboard while Yunho grabbed a bunch of blank papers from the basket beside him.

Both of them went quiet and concentrated on their artworks, their previous conversation completely forgotten.

"Yunnie look! I made a dinosaur!" Jaejoong smiled happily and shoved his piece of paper in front of Yunho's face. Yunho had to move away a little to be able to properly see Jaejoong's drawing.

"Why is it gray Joongie?" Yunho asked confusedly.

"Yunnie!" Jaejoong whined and grabbed the marker he used to color his dinosaur. "It's blue! See, blueee." He showed the marker to his friend and pointed at the label on the bottom.

Yunho furrowed his eyebrows and stared at the drawing. Well, the label did say blue and Yunho did feel the need to read the labels first before coloring his own drawing.

Yunho just shrugged and looked down to pick up his work.

"I drew you Joongie!" it was now his turn to smile happily at his friend and shove his picture in the other's face.

Jaejoong's already big eyes widened even more at the drawing in front of him.

"See Joongie, I mixed brown and gray for your eyes, used black and more black for your hair and red on your lips! It's perfect!"

"You see... red...on me?" Jaejoong asked in wonder as his gaze landed on the picture once again. How did Yunho manage to see the color of his eyes and lips if he was supposedly color blind?

"Of course I do! It's you Joongie, my eyes are always on you." Yunho said with his index and middle finger pointing at his own eyes. His rabbit teeth flashed proudly.

The simple words Yunho uttered made Jaejoong blush. He immediately turned his head away as he heard his mom's voice calling his name.

"Jaejoong! Yunho! Let's go kids." Mrs. Kim and Mrs. Jung helped their kids clean up and bid goodbye to the teacher.

Once outside, Yunho ran over to Jaejoong and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye Joongie! See you tomorrow" he smiled as he saw the red tint decorating Jaejoong's pretty face.

Yes, he could clearly see every color on his little Jaejoongie. Red was no exception.


This is based on a true story lol
I sat beside this guy at school and he couldn't tell green from red on the textbook
I was entertained for a long time trying to make him see it xD

Comments are <3

au, fluff

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