Confessing to the School Jock 101

Aug 07, 2010 12:26

Author: YukiBoo
Pairing: Yunho/Jaejoong
Genre: Romance, Fluff, AU, Slight-Humor?
Length: Oneshot
Summary: Kim Jaejoong has had the biggest crush on the school jock ever since he could remember. He deems it about time to plan out a memorable confession for his love.

The shrill sound of an alarm clock broke the blissful silence in room 241 of the KimChi All-Boys High School. Yes, weird name for a school but this one was actually one of the most successful high schools around.

"AAAAGGHHH!" A loud screech could be heard from the right side of a dark room followed by crashing sounds; the obnoxious sounds from the alarm clock stopped its screeching. From the opposite side sat a blatantly amused Kim Jaejoong who woke up laughing as he realized that his room mate broke yet another one of his alarm clocks.

"C'mon Chullie! Get up! Today's a good day!" He exclaimed cheerfully and bounded over to his grumbling friend. The small lump on the bed moved around before big eyes popped out of the thick covers and looked at Jaejoong in disbelief.

"Are you kidding me?! Do you remember that freakin' party we went to last night?! You shouldn't even be awake and bouncing right now, you should be in bed and complaining about the morning with me!" Heechul continued his whining as he shoved his head back in the covers.

"No Chullie, because today is the day!" The raven haired beauty pushed the curtains open so that the room would be filled with bright sunshine as he said those words. You know, like in one those chick flicks that we watch, when the main character says something dramatic then opens the curtains and stuff? Yeah- Aww poo... Jaejoong slumped in his spot; he didn't get the sunshine he wanted. It rained terribly outside. Heechul sat up from his bed, snickering at Jaeoong as he knew what his friend had just tried to do.

"Oh Joongie you make me laugh... what's so special about today? It's frid- oh shiz wiz! I forgot to finish my math homework!"

"Don't worry, just copy off of your genius Siwon I'm sure he won't mind," Jaejoong responded, pulling the curtains back together again.

"Yeah, yeah shut up- SO what's so special about today?" The, now, fully awake Heechul opened one side of the wide closet and began to choose his outfit for the day.

"Today, I will confess to Jung Yunho." Jaejoong smiled widely and plopped down on one of their bean bag chairs.

"FINALLY?! Took you long enough, omygosh I was ready to lock you two up in a closet for the whole day just for you to spill the beans," Heechul finally chose an outfit he deemed appropriate and ran to the bathroom. "I'll take a shower first, go choose the best outfit you got Joongie~" and with a last wink at Jaejoong, the hyperactive man slammed bathroom door shut.

Jaejoong got up from the chair and stretched, staring at the closet intently.

I'm gonna need a while...

"Okay Jaejoong... deep breaths, relax! You can do this! Fighting!" Jaejoong mumbled silently to himself as he walked down the long halls of the school. This part of the hallway was always empty, he didn't really know why but he wasn't complaining; it would work to his advantage. He would be able to execute his plan in peace.

The man was snapped out of his reverie upon seeing Jung Yunho walking out of change room in all his gorgeous glory.

They probably just had soccer practice. Just as he was about to go up and flirt with Yunho, a bunch of giggling girls pushed past him and crowded around the man. Guess not that empty anymore. Ugh. However, Jaejoong noticed Yunho's well concealed irritation at the attention he got. Of course; he noticed everything Yunho related.

The pretty male realized that flirting was probably a no-no if he wanted Yunho to like him. He discreetly turned 180 degrees and walked back to his locker.

Kim Jaejoong's Plan A- Fail

The beauty scratched his head in annoyance as the sticky note that he tried to stick on Yunho's locker just wouldn't stick! If it's called a damn sticky note then why won't it stick?! Stupid, non-sticky, sticky note! He ripped up the little piece of paper and threw it in the recycle bin. No sticky notes then.

Kim Jaejoong's Plan B- Fail

The bell rang signalling the start of lunch break. Jaejoong hurriedly got out of his class and sneaked into the hallway where Yunho's locker was located. He looked left and right, back and forth, just to make sure that no one else was loitering around.

Of course there's no one! It's lunch break, they'll all be fighting over the steak in the caf. Jaejoong rolled his eyes. Freakin' animals, steak isn't the only good food in the world!

Jaejoong stopped his wandering thoughts and focused on the task at hand. He opened Yunho's locker and placed a blue envelope in the middle; the envelope contained his confession letter to Yunho. Taking a deep breath, he willed himself to relax.  All he had to do now was wait.

Lunch break ended and Jaejoong watched as Yunho opened his locker- only to find that Jaejoong's precious letter wasn't anywhere in it.
What the heck?!

Yunho went off to his next class and Jaejoong ran over to the locker, looking around to see if his letter dropped. He didn't want anyone to see it and claim it as theirs! Or worse, blackmail him with it! The raven started to freak out.

Where would it go? It's not like it's windy in here. A thought suddenly occurred to him- he looked down on his left side and into the trash can. Oh. The blue letter sat oh so prettily in the trash can along with other envelopes. Right, girls these days were smartly stupid, he forgot about that.

It was a well known fact in this school. Whenever girls try to confess to their crushes using letters, they would throw out any other letters that they'd see in the locker so that when the guy opens it, he only gets to read whoever's letter survived.
Whoever started that was pretty clever.

Jaejoong took his letter and pushed it in the shredder with a loud sigh. He had a spare, plenty amount of time to come up with something.

Kim Jaejoong's Plan C- Fail

It was the end of the day right now, the spare was spent in his room, on the bed, thinking of what to do but nothing would come in mind. Well, one thing did but...

....I guess I'm just gonna have to do a good ol' face to face confession

Jaejoong headed to the direction of Yunho's last period class and called out to him, waving. They weren't strangers with each other. After all, they had the same circle of friends.

"Hey Jae!" Yunho waved back happily. Jaejoong smiled and was going to go over and hug him but a hand grabbed onto his arm and turned him around.

"Yes?" Jaejoong looked up confusedly at the person in front of him. Kim Hyunjoong.

"I wanted to give these to you," Hyunjoong handed him a beautiful bouquet of flowers and winked.

Hyunjoong laughed at Jaejoong's bewildered face and pulled his chin up.

"You're so cute Jae."

"Uh- "

Before Jaejoong could bite back a sarcastic remark, large hands wrapped around his waist and his back was pulled against a hard chest. He turned his head and saw Yunho's glowering face before said man snatched the flowers from his hands and began dragging him into the washroom. The bathroom door slammed shut and he was pushed against the wall with Yunho's arms on either side of his head.

"You," Yunho spoke and stared into Jaejoong's doe eyes.

"Me?" Jaejoong replied awkwardly. Omygosh we're so close! Jaejoong let out a little fangirl squeal, in his mind of course... he'd never do that in public. Ever.

"Yeah," Yunho's expression softened and he smiled his gorgeous smile at Jaejoong. "Wanna go out with me?"

The questioned shocked the brain cells out of Jaejoong. His eyes noticeably widened as he managed a slow nod in response. It seemed like nodding was the right thing to do as Yunho's smile grow when he bent down to kiss Jaejoong's cheek before pulling away to grab the dazed man's hand.

Jaejoong realized that he didn't even confess.

On the left side of the washroom, hidden in the dark shadows, stood a cackling young man.

"Thanks Hyunjoong, our friend needed it!" Heechul patted Hyunjoong's shoulder.

"Yeah, his face was hilarious though, I have to explain to him later," Hyunjoong chuckled.

"Yeah, way later" Heechul smirked and walked away, satisfied with himself.

Kim Heechul's Plan- Always Win

This wouldn't leave my brain alone lol so I decided to write it
*To those who are wondering*

Yes, they go to an all-boys school and those girls in the fic come during their breaks and spare times but they go to a different school nearby.

Sorry I forgot to mention that before =P

Comments are <3

oneshot, romance, au, fluff

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