With You [1]

Aug 01, 2010 21:31

Author: YukiBoo
Pairing: Yunho/Jaejoong
Genre: Romance, AU, Angst
Length: Mini Series
Summary: Yunho, the Kingka 'falls' for the new student at school but the school's 'Queen Bee' still won't leave him alone.

A school bell rang signalling the start of classes for KP High School; a school where only the smartest or the richest could get into. Jung Yunho was both smart and rich, paired with his handsome good looks and a body fit for a swimsuit model, the young man was expectedly the perfect Kingka of the school.

"Okay class, shut up!" Shouted a middle aged tempermental homeroom teacher. The class promptly shut their mouths and shuffled into their proper seats. "We have a new student coming in today- honey, please come in and introduce yourself."

A girl with long black hair and a cute, small face entered the room, bowing to the whole class.

"Hello everyone, my name is Bae Seulgi, please treat me well," she introduced herself with a shy smile.

"Alright then sweetie, would you take a seat up there beside Tiffany? Tiffany please raise your hand."

And that was all Yunho heard before all his attention focused on this Bae Seulgi. He was attracted, he knew it but was he attracted enough to actually ask her to be his? With that thought, Yunho looked back down at his notes and smiled.


A certain raven haired beauty watched the changes in Yunho's expressions and decided that he did not like it.

"Jae! Over here!" Kim Junsu waved happily at his best friend, Jaejoong. Kim Jaejoong was known as the school's 'Queen Bee'. He's got all the guys drooling at his feet and all the girls wanting to be friends with him. Too bad his eyes were already set on a certain someone.

The beautiful man let out a depressed sigh that had Junsu looking over at him.

"What's wrong Jae?" Junsu asked as he put down the pizza he previously munched on.

"There's a new girl in my homeroom," Jaejoong responded, fiddling with his cellphone charm.

"Oh yeah I heard about her, some people said she's pretty... is she really?"

"Yeah she is... and Yunnie seems to like her," Jaejoong pouted. It was no secret that the Kim Jaejoong liked the Jung Yunho, he'd been trying to win the Kingka's heart since the beginning of freshman!

"Oh..." Junsu didn't know what to say, he'd always been there for his best friend whenever he moped around every single time the Kingka rejected him. He'd seen how Jaejoong tried to hold back the tears to show everyone how strong he was. I don't get what he doesn't see in Jaejoong. Before Junsu could add more, their conversation was interrupted by loud squeals and whispers from the entrance of the cafeteria.

"What's going on?" Jaejoong thought out loud before getting up and walking in that direction, Junsu following behind. The crowd immediately parted at Jaejoong's soft 'excuse me', exchanging uncertain looks as they knew that the scene wouldn't please the raven. The Kim finally made it through the crowd and was able to see what caught the attention of almost all of the student body.

The pretty man's eyes widened at the sight that greeted him.

It was Yunho, his Yunnie, smiling down at the new girl with a single white rose in his hand.

"I know we just met today, but would you give me a chance?" He asked Seulgi sweetly. The girl just blushed and nodded shyly, taking the rose and giving it a sniff. Yunho's smiled his perfect smile. He smiled for her.

Jaejoong slowly backed away and ran straight to his dorm room taking deep breaths on the way.

I shouldn't give up yet. Not yet. He could hear Junsu calling for him but he raised his hand indicating that he was okay. He just needed some time alone.

Weeks passed and the student body could see how Yunho constantly showered Seulgi with his affections, the girl seemingly enjoying it but still not giving him the time of the day.

"C'mon Seulgi, just one date? We need to get to know each other better!" Seulgi just blushed and kept her mouth shut. Yunho noticed that the girl was very shy and didn't talk a lot but he thought  that maybe it was just because they didn't know each other very well yet.

Over at the other side of the hallway, Kim Jaejoong watched the scene and couldn't help but frown.

Why can't she just give Yunho a straight answer? He'd been observing the girl for the past few days and noticed how she never gave straight answers to any of her suitors. She likes to keep them hanging, tch attention whore. Jaejoong closed his locker and decided to walk over to the sulking Yunho, who was now alone as said attention whore needed to use the washroom. "Hey Yunnie!" The dark haired male greeted cheerfully.

"Jaejoong... don't call me that." Yunho sighed. Jaejoong had been trying to catch his attention since the first day of high school. His presence was a constant in Yunho's life- but in all honestly, Yunho wasn't annoyed with the pretty man at all. He tried to convince himself that Jaejoong was a huge nuisance and that he should just reject the other cruelly to teach the guy a lesson but he just couldn't bring himself to do it. It was that fact that annoyed the Kingka more. The fact that he couldn't be annoyed with Kim Jaejoong no matter how hard he tried to be.

"But why? It's cute! Well anyways, are you going to Seunghyun's party this weekend?"

Yunho looked down at Jaejoong's round, doe eyes. They're so prett-  ah snap out of it!

"Yeah," The taller male answered shortly.

"Really? Wanna go together? We live pretty close," Jaejoong asked excitedly, hope sparkling in his big eyes.

"I'm planning on taking Seulgi... " Yunho looked away from Jaejoong and returned his gaze in the direction of the washroom.

"Oh... well the- " the sound of the bell ringing interrupted him and Yunho said a quick goodbye before rushing to his class. Jaejoong sighed and rubbed his face irritatedly.

Damn that new girl.

Unfortunately, Seulgi was also in Jaejoong's class this period. He watched as another guy tried to ask her out and, as expected, she gave the exact same response as she always did with Yunho; a shy smile and a blush.

Omygosh this is freakin' pathetic. Jaejoong rolled his eyes.

"Hey Jae," the guy sitting beside him called out and turned around to face him.


"You got a date for Choi's coming up party?"

"No, and I'm not planning on going with one, sorry," he smiled apologetically.

"Nah that's okay... I was kinda expecting that," the guy sighed and gave him a small smile as he leaned back in seat.

I'll try harder at the party. Was the last thought that ran in Jaejoong's mind before he focused on the lesson once again.

The music was booming, loud shouts and laughs mixed in with the song as students walked around to mingle with their friends. Jaejoong stood beside Seunghyun, Hyunjoong, Yoochun, and Junsu as they looked around the big house.

"Man, you throw the biggest parties ever... I mean whoa dude!" Yoochun exclaimed as he saw the crowds of people dancing, eating, playing and some simply chatting with peers.

Jaejoong kept his eyes on the dancefloor. He knew that Yunho loved to dance, heck he knew a lot about Jung Yunho.

Yet he doesn't even pay attention to me. He shook off the bitter thought and continued his search. He finally spotted the spiky head of brown hair standing behind one of the couches, seemingly talking with someone. Jaejoong approached the man and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey!" He shouted out so his voice could be heard over the music. Yunho nodded at him and smiled. He must be having a good day. Jaejoong thought. The other usually didn't treat him in such a friendly way. "Wanna dance?" he tried but Yunho only shook his head and grabbed someone else's hand.

"Sorry, but I've got to entertain my girlfriend over here," Yunho muttered before pulling Seulgi up and onto the dance floor.

Girlfriend. Girlfriend. Girlfriend. They're... together now?


chaptered, romance, au, angst

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