Player Meets Player [Ch.18]

Mar 20, 2011 11:30

Author: YukiBooPairing: Yunho/Jaejoong
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Highschool-AU, Humor, Drama, Angst
Summary: Kim Jaejoong is the well-known heartbreaker in KiJu High while Jung Yunho is the ever so popular heartthrob from Chunsang High. World peace ends when Jung Yunho is transferred into Kim Jaejoong's school.

Where the students are unfathomably gorgeous
Where the bitches don't get their ways
Where fangirls lose blood over nosebleeds
Where there's an overdose of idiotic msn convos
Welcome to KiJu High

Yunho stepped out of his car and immediately noticed the frantic bustling of the people in the area. Students, he guessed as they wore nametags, from KiJu ran back and forth towards the parking lot and back into the festival again. He propped his gym bag on one shoulder before continuing on to the entrance. All student volunteers were required to be at attendance an hour earlier than the opening so that any other last minute preparations could be dealt with.

The dancer pulled at the scarf around his neck as he watched the tiny snowflakes make their way down to the ground. The weather was perfect for the winter festival. The light snow just added onto the mood and the small powdery piles they made helped to make the place look more festive- just like Christmas.

Oh hey it's almost Christmas. Yunho had always loved Christmas; they get a two week break from school! More time to spend with Jaejoong. Speaking of...

To: My sexy boo
From: My lovely yunho <3
Subject: [No subject]

you already at school?


To: My lovely yunho <3
From: My sexy boo
Subject: Re: [No Subject]

hey, why is my name like that on ur phone? and yes i was here long before you ^^


To: My sexy boo
From: My lovely yunho <3
Subject: Re: Re: [No Subject]

why is MY name like that on ur phone? questions, questions =P and coz u ARE my sexy boo now wait wherever u are and i'll find you and steal you away.


To: My lovely yunho <3
From: My sexy boo
Subject: Re: Re: Re: [No Subject]

LOL aw shucks <3

Yunho grinned and looked up to find the familiar golden head of his boyfriend. He made good use of his taller than average height and looked over people's heads as he walked around the school grounds. He had no idea why he didn't just text Jaejoong and ask where in the world he was.

"Hey idiot, I heard you cooked the main dish for the festival." Yunho's ears perked up at the mention of the word 'dish'. He turned in the direction that he thought the voice came from. The voice sounds familiar...

"Yeah I did. Oh and don't worry, I'll make sure to poison your portion of the food. Heard you're gonna belly dance?" Retorted a half amused and half annoyed voice. Now that voice sounds like Jaejoong. Yunho's eyes shifted and he managed to catch a glimspe of a scowling Go Ara conversing with someone behind a white table.

"Yes, people find belly dances sexy and terrific when I do it." Go Ara's voice was laced in confidence; she sent a smug smirk towards, Yunho presumed, Jaejoong.

"Ha! Try terrifying," the other scoffed. Yes, Yunho was now sure it was Jaejoong. "Who belly dances in the winter? Geez." The infuriated girl was about to respond when Yunho decided to interrupt their wonderful conversation by hugging Jaejoong from behind- which also did nothing to cease the pretty girl's fury.

"If you'll excuse us Miss Go, I wanna spend my time with this chef." Yunho gave her a charming smile before dragging Jaejoong away from the table.

"Well hello there Yunnie."

"Hello to you too Jae," Yunho smiled at the man beside him before leaning down to give him a quick kiss on the lips. Jaejoong intertwined their hands together and swung their joined hands as they walked. "Hm... where can we hide so the teachers don't make us do work?"

"I'm here to see Mr. Kim," the receptionist stared at the high class middle aged woman before her; startled by her airy attitude.

"May I have your full name miss? I don't see any appointments arranged for Mr. Kim around this time-"

"I am Jung Ha Eun. I don't need to have an appointment to meet with people. Now, can you just call Mr. Kim." It sounded more like an order than a request.

"I'm sorry miss but Mr. Kim is busy right now. Our company is currently facing a problem which needs immediate attention."

"And who do you think caused that problem?" Mrs. Jung replied haughtily, annoyed at the receptionist for questioning her. The young lady behind the desk clenched her fists and managed to let out a forced smile.

"Alright then. Right away madam." The receptionist quickly dialed her boss' office number to satisfy the demanding visitor. "Mr. Kim? Yes. You have a visitor. No, no appointment sir. Owner of the Jung corporation sir. Yes sir." She hung up and gave Mrs. Jung a tight smile. "You may proceed. Mr. Kim's office number is 332."

The lady Jung swiftly moved towards the elevator and pressed the necessary buttons. She impatiently tapped her feet as the glowing numbers turned from 1 to 2 and finally, to 3. The hushed ding of the elevator sounded before the metal doors opened to a brightly lit hallway. Mrs. Jung walked forward and searched for the numbers '332', her heels clicking as she took each step. The clicking stopped when her eyes caught sight of the golden numbers embedded on a steel door. She raised a fist and knocked firmly.

"Come in," a slightly muffled voice came from inside. Mrs. Jung wasted no time in pushing the door open and walking briskly in front of the middle-aged man who still had his head buried in a small mountain of paperwork.

"Mr. Kim." She twitched slightly as the man paid no attention to her presence, choosing to finish up the document he currently held before finally looking up at her. Both adults' eyes widened as they glanced at each other's familiar faces.

"Ha Eun..."

"Hello Kim, long time no see," her face hardened as the past came rushing back to her. She willed the memories to disperse and took a seat in front of the man she once knew very well. "But I am not here to discuss ourselves." She continued, nonchalantly rifling through the documents in front of them. A smirk formed on her face upon realizing the struggles that the Kim corporation were currently faced with.

"Then what business have you here Ha- Mrs. Jung?" The woman noticed Mr. Kim's slip and she felt another surge of anger flood through her veins.

"It's about our sons actually," she replied in a clipped tone, brows furrowing when the man's expression changed into a confused one.

"What do you mean? I am pretty sure that our children do not know each other." He turned wary eyes on her upon seeing an amused smirk form on her face.

"Oh, so you mean to tell me that you are not informed?"

"Informed of what Mrs. Jung? Do enlighten me." Mr. Kim responded, feeling more agitated by the moment. What was it that he should know about Jaejoong and Ha Eun's son?

"Our sons are together." The pen in the man's hand fell to the carpeted ground with a barely audible thud.

"That can't be. My son has never told me-"

"Oh? Why is that?" Mrs. Jung stood up with a satisfied smile on her face. "Anyhow, aside from the fact that your son has been hiding the truth from you, I am sure that you would not want him dating a Jung. I definitely do not want my son hanging around you Kims. I expect their relationship to end by the end of the week." She walked towards the door and touched the knob before turning back to the still frozen man; the smile on her face completely gone. "My son follows everything I tell him to do. Once I order him to break up with Kim Jaejoong, I am certain that he would do it within the next day. If you do not want your son to get hurt, I suggest you tell him to end it as soon as possible before my son makes the first move." She turned the knob and took a step forward, already halfway through exiting. "After all, you wouldn't want the past to repeat itself am I right? Karma is a trip Mr. Kim. You wouldn't want it to inflict your own son."

The man behind the desk sat there staring at nothing in particular. The sound of the door slamming shut slightly woke him up from his daze. He raised his hands up and buried his face in them, sighing irritatedly. He looked down at the paperwork laid out on his desk, the glaring 'Jung Corporation' written in red ink intensifying his weariness.

The Jung Corporation is threatening to destroy their company while his own past is threatening to destroy his son's life. He picked up the phone at the corner of his desk and rang up his wife.


"In Joong-ah? Where is Jaejoong?"

"He's at the school festival. Would you like to go?"

"No, no... listen, I have something to tell you."

"Wow," Jaejoong crawled out of the bush he hid under and peeked into the finished product of their festival. He looked down at his iPod and saw that it was only 4 PM although the sky had already darkened enough for the pale pink light posts to be lit up. Small flakes of snow descended slowly, decorating the ground with pure white powder which sparkle under the light.

"Ow!" Soft rustles came from behind as Yunho battled with the leaves in order to step out of his hiding place. They decided to huddle inside a thick shroud of bushes far enough from the festival for the teachers not to notice but near enough for them to see when the event officially starts.

Jaejoong turned to face him with a sweet smile on his face and was about to tease his boyfriend when a snowflake landed softly on his nose. He went cross-eyed for a few seconds, following the movement of the melting speck, before scrunching his nose at the cold feeling. Yunho chuckled and leaned forward to blow the tiny flake off of Jaejoong's face before wrapping his arms around the other in a warm embrace.

"It started," Jaejoong whispered, bringing his own arms up to tangle around Yunho.

"I guess we should go in and enjoy our school's hard work then. Shall we?" Yunho pulled away from the embrace and placed a beanie on the blonde's head. Jaejoong nodded happily and ran towards the festivities, grabbing the taller male's hand in the process and dragging him to the first booth he spotted.

Yunho let himself be dragged about, glancing around to see a crowd at the entrance filing in the school grounds to visit the wonderfully decorated place. He smiled and waved upon spotting some of their friends, who decided not to show up early, before fastening his pace so that he fell in step with the excited Jaejoong. He looked at his boyfriend and couldn't help the adoring smile pulling at his lips; he was sure that he'd have an enjoyable time this evening.

"Hurry Yunnie! Before the place gets too crowded!" Jaejoong looked behind him only to see that Yunho was already walking right beside him. "Oh, nevermind." The brunet only laughed and lifted a hand to pinch the smaller man's cheeks.

"We've got lots of time in our hands Boo," he bent down and placed a small peck on the reddened cheek. "But you're right, this place ought to be crowded soon so let's go!" Yunho quickened his pace into a jog followed by a protesting Jaejoong.

"I didn't mean to run!" The blonde yelled out- the smile on his face contradicting the annoyance laced in his voice. "Oh hey," Jaejoong suddenly stopped running, causing the unprepared Yunho to stumble backwards and fall on his butt. "Oops, sorry." The smaller man laughed, helping Yunho back on his feet.

"Could've warned me," the slightly younger man grumbled, following the snickering Jaejoong towards a small snack stand.

"Cotton candy yo!"

"Tastes like clouds you know!"

"Come and buy some fo' sho!"

Jaejoong's laughter intensified as they neared the booth and Yunho couldn't help his laughter from bubbling either. What kind of rap was that?

"That's some very creative song right there guys," Jaejoong piped in once they've reached the cotton candy stand. Jiyong, or better known as GD, turned to them with a big smile on his face. He wore bright colors which oddly complimented each other and matched perfectly with the colorful balls of sugar they were trying to sell. Just then, a crowd of kids came running towards the booth, jumping up and down and yelling out the flavors they wanted.

"Whoa, whoa, easy there little ones. There's plenty to go around!" GD stated, motioning for his other booth members to provide the children their food as he started up the machine to make new ones. Jaejoong and Yunho grinned as Daesung and Seungri showed up. However, Yunho lost a bit of his smile once Seunghyun and Taeyang made their appearance.

Jaejoong kept his smile on, aware that Taeyang had liked him once upon a time but that was all in the past- the guy had moved on from his little crush and probably had his own special someone as well. The beautiful man was clueless, however, to the fact that it was now Seunghyun who felt something more towards him.

"Hey," Seunghyun's deep voice greeted, looking Jaejoong and then at Yunho. The latter nodded in acknowledgement, giving his long-time friend a small smile. He didn't hate Seunghyun; he had faith that no matter how much he liked Jaejoong, the man would't do anything to harm their relationship.

"Downgraded to selling cotton candy now huh Top?" Yunho teased, trying to imply that everything was still alright between them. Seunghyun got the message and smirked in response.

"Hey now, I'm only helping these imbeciles!" The tall man retorted, earning himself a smack from Jiyong and an elbow jab from Taeyang. "Ow..."

"Stop lying you big baby, you practically begged us to let you sell these good stuff." Jiyong stuck his tongue out, bending down to hand a little kid a long stick of the sugar candy.

"Well, the colorful clothes suit you Seunghyun," Jaejoong laughed, grabbing a toothpick and sticking it in the cotton candy machine. He successfully nabbed a small amount of the sugar fluffs before sticking it in his mouth and starting to walk away. "Have fun guys! Don't scare away the little kids!"

"And don't get sugar high!" Yunho added, waving goodbye as he followed Jaejoong off. The others just laughed and continued distributing the snack. The couple could faintly hear them starting another song about cotton candy.

"I spy retards." Jaejoong muttered, throwing his toothpick in a garbage can. Yunho followed his boyfriend's line of vision and chuckled at what he saw.

"I think you're right." The handsome pair made their way towards the shooting booth, interrupting the childish game that Eunhyuk and Donghae were in the middle of. A group of girls from the sidelines giggled at the cute display as the two merely smiled at Yunho and Jaejoong before continuing to playfully shoot at each other.

"Wanna try your gun skills guys?" Eunhyuk offered, holding out a toy gun to Yunho and instructing him on how to use it. "So basically if you manage to shoot down 3 targets you win. Nothing new, good luck!" The grinning man stepped away and Yunho self-consciously aimed the gun at the target; not only were his two friends and boyfriend watching him, there were also a bunch of girls who stopped to see what happens next. The tall brunet cursed under his breath- it would be very embarrassing if he messed this up.

The gun made a small popping sound when Yunho shot. The bullet hit the side of the target but the force was not enough to knock it off the shelf. Yunho was just relieved that it at least hit the target.

Donghae snickered as he poked at Yunho, teasing the other for his 'horrible aim'. The girls at the side were blinking in confusion; they all expected the perfect Jung Yunho to make a perfect shot.

Jaejoong, being the good boyfriend that he was, decided to take the attention away from Yunho and to himself by snatching the gun away from his frowning lover and making the sloppiest shot he could manage. Donghae's laughter doubled and Eunhyuk joined in the laughing fest as well. The onlookers couldn't help but giggle at Jaejoong's pouting face while Yunho smiled softly, reaching out to pinch the blonde's cheeks.

"You! You dare laugh at me?!" Jaejoong yelled, pointing his loaded gun towards Donghae. The other man let out a high pitched squeak and bent down to shield his body from the bullet. Although it only contained paint, it would still hurt like a bitch if you get hit by it.  Eunhyuk laughed even more but decided to join Donghae in his hiding place once Jaejoong whipped the gun in his direction.

"Hey, hey I'm gonna try again." Yunho stepped forward and took the gun from the smirking Jaejoong. Eunhyuk and Donghae peeked upwards and after they were sure that Jaejoong held no gun, jumped back up and grinned widely. They reloaded Yunho's gun and moved away from the targets. Yunho once again took aim, forgetting about everyone who watched him. The determined man shot his three bullets one by one and managed to hit two out of the three targets. He smiled in satisfaction as Donghae handed him a small keychain of an odd looking doll.

"A voodoo doll?" Jaejoong spoke monotonously, looking up at their friends with a blank expression. Yunho just laughed and placed the prize in Jaejoong's hand, kissing his forehead right after.

"Hey, I won it for you, be happy!" Yunho teased.

"Okay but who should I use it on?" Jaejoong replied with a glimmer in his eyes as he glanced over at the Eunhae booth. The pair gulped slightly before shaking their heads and scoffing.

"Psh, those voodoo things don't work."

"Yeah, psh...."

"Ow! What the fu- "

"Ah! What is this pain?!"

"You scared yet?" Yunho whispered as he and Jaejoong casually strolled around a supposed 'haunted house'. They were in one of the school's abandoned music halls, modified to make it look even creepier than it already was. The place was long and narrow- the seats taken off to leave a wide, empty space for people to walk around in. The exit was all the way at the other end of the hall or, if someone really couldn't take the scare, they could turn around and exit through the entrance.

"You wish," Jaejoong replied just as softly, not wanting to scare the other occupants any further. He turned slightly and was able to see some girls huddling close together and screaming at every little noise they heard. There were also little kids accompanied by amused parents, some rowdy teenagers making loud noises and of course, couples wrapped around each other to try and ease their lover's fright. "Quit asking Yunnie, I'm not gonna jump in your arms any time soon."

"Aw, but Jae! Not one bit scared?" The brunet whined, taking Jaejoong's hand in his own.

"I helped organize this, of course I won't be scared." Jaejoong smirked proudly, laughing when Yunho pouted uncharacteristically and let go of his hand. "Hey! I told you we should go somewhere else but no. You insisted on checking this out!"

"I thought you'd be scared. I was gonna go all mushy and hold you until we get out," the smaller man raised an eyebrow at that. Loud shrieks followed Yunho's words as a group of girls saw decapitated heads fall from the ceiling. Yunho averted his attention from Jaejoong and towards the other people when something white flashed by from above and the chilling sounds of little kids giggling and wailing resounded through the place. He watched how people screamed their lungs out and ran all over; some of them bumping into each other in the darkness. "Wow, KiJu students are good," he mumbled absently, dodging a few flailing limbs. "Hey Jae- " the dancer turned around to face his boyfriend but was only greeted by empty space. "Jae?" All he could hear were panicked screams and heavy footsteps. Shit, no! Did I lose him again?! Dammit!

Yunho spun around, using his cellphone as a flashlight and tried to spot Jaejoong's blonde head over the crowd. At least this time, it wasn't as chaotic as when they'd lost each other on their first date. They were also still on school grounds, meaning that his boyfriend would be safe and would know the way out. Still, that didn't ease the worry he felt by much; it was his responsibility to keep Jaejoong beside him, not lose him every time they were left alone.

Once the tall brunet snapped out of his musing, he realized that the hall had drastically quieted. Looking around, he saw that the occupants had either moved forward, or turned right around to make a quick exit. Eerie silence surrounded him but Jaejoong was still nowhere in sight.

"Jae?" He saw the curtains move and stepped towards it. Yunho took hold of the fabric and lifted it only to feel a cold breeze brush past him. "Okay... not here then." He sighed and let the curtains fall back in place. The agitated male slowly turned, mumbling to himself-


-and almost had a heart attack when he found a pale faced girl staring at him blankly, her heavily lined eyes glazed over as tears fell from the dark orbs.

"Freakin- bunch of- ARGH!" Yunho, freaked out as he was, could do nothing but throw his arms in the air and stomp away from the figure. Loud laughter accompanied his boisterous round of curses and the bewildered dancer looked up to find the precious boyfriend he'd been looking for.

"You scared Yunnie? Should I go mushy and hold you until we reach the exit?" Jaejoong managed to gasp out before breaking out into another fit of laughter. Yunho huffed, marching over to the other with a glare. He lifted a hand to grab onto Jaejoong's arms but the latter moved away, looking up at him with amused, teary eyes.

"Come here you!" The taller male muttered, breaking into a jog when Jaejoong ran away, still bent over in laughter. Yunho managed to catch him for a bit before the blonde slipped away from his hold, now much calmer and quicker.

"Yunnie is a scaredy cat~" the shorter of the two sing-songed, dashing towards the exit.

"Joongie!" Yunho yelled out, now more entertained than angry at the situation. The couple reached the exit, still laughing and running. Jaejoong purposely slowed down, seeing as they were now in a more crowded area- he wouldn't want to bump into anyone. Yunho quickly wrapped one arm around Jaejoong's torso and one around the blonde's neck, trapping him in a headlock. "You!"

"Hey! Let go!" Jaejoong tried to peel the other's arms off of him but laughing at the same time made him too weak. He bowed his head until his mouth touched one of his boyfriend's hands and bit down, causing Yunho to yelp. The taller one was able to recover quickly and laughed, shaking out his lightly bitten hand while simultaneously kissing Jaejoong's pouting lips as a retort.

The happy couple slowly walked around the, now, crowded place. It was already six o'clock in the evening; 2 hours into the carnival.

Jaejoong smiled softly, briefly slipping his hands out of Yunho's hold as he dodged a group of kids joyfully running towards who knows where.

"I miss being a child," he murmured, just loud enough for Yunho to hear. The taller one just smiled and pecked Jaejoong's smooth cheek. The dancer looked up and his grin widened when he saw a clown tripping over the strings of the balloons he tried to sell.

"Wait here."

"Wha- Yunho!" Jaejoong tried to follow his boyfriend but immediately lost sight of him in the crowd. He grumbled to himself as he sat down on the bench right beside the spot Yunho had left him at. He checked his cellphone and was promptly bombarded by text messages from their friends. Some of them were complaining, some were telling him which booths he should check out, while some were just outright spamming his inbox.

"Hey," the blonde looked up and was greeted by at least ten red balloons in front of his face. He moved back a little, unsure of what he was supposed to do.

"Uh... Yun? What is this?"

"They're balloons, duh." Yunho placed the balloons in Jaejoong's hand and sat beside the confused man. "You said you missed being a child and well... balloons always reminded me of children so I just, yeah..." he trailed off, awkwardly scratching the back of his head.

Jaejoong stared at the other for a couple of seconds before bursting out in laughter.


"Sorry! That's just... it's cute. Thanks." Jaejoong leaned in, using the balloons to cover both of their faces as they engaged themselves in kiss that might be considered inappropriate for kids to see.

"Attention talent show participants." Jaejoong broke the kiss and chuckled at the questioning look that Yunho sent him. He gestured for the other to listen to the announcement. "Attention to all talent show participants. Please head over to the auditorium as the show will begin shortly."

"I guess we should head over." Jaejoong stood up and interlocked their hands. They began to walk towards the school building with Jaejoong often crouching down to hand free balloons to distressed kids. Yunho just smiled at the other's actions; he had always admired people who were affectionate with children as he himself also loved to be around little kids.

By the time they reached the building, all of Jaejoong's balloons were gone. The auditorium was already half packed with spectators and they spotted the rest of the dance group shoving at each other backstage.

"I'll see you later." Yunho muttered, pressing a kiss on Jaejoong's head before jogging backstage.

"Hey," Jaejoong turned around and spotted Seunghyun running up to him.

"Hey! How was cotton candy vending?"

"Fun," Seunghyun grinned, straightening out his bright clothes. The duo made their way to the front- near the side exit- as it provided the best view of the talent show. The duo were talking amongst themselves when Seunghyun suddenly stopped and stared at something by the exit. "Auntie?"

That was when Jaejoong looked up and saw Yunho's mother enter from the door right next to them. The blonde opened his mouth, thinking it was his only chance to talk with the arrogant woman.

"Mrs. Jung," he bowed, shocking the lady with his sudden approach. "I know our first meet wasn't really... well met." He continued, lifting his head. "So I'd like to take this chance to apologize, I'm sorry if the things I said offended you. I should've been more respectful towards my elder," he bowed again in apology. "Please forgive me. It won't happen again."

Mrs. Jung looked at the boy before her, no one noticed her eyes softening nor the internal battle she was suddenly thrown into as she realized that Jaejoong would have been a good match for her son- if he wasn't a Kim. The woman shook her head, not wanting to relent for the hatred she felt was much too intense to forget. She forced a cold expression on her face and merely grunted in response to the younger man's apology before turning on her heels and finding a spot amongst the other viewers.

"What was that about Jae?" Jaejoong faced his raven haired friend and smiled sadly.

"Long story," he sighed. The lights dimmed, signalling the start of the show and the audience cheered upon the entrance of the lively MC. Seunghyun looked at Jaejoong, admiring his gorgeous features- his small smile. His mouth twitched slightly, eyes turning sad knowing that he won't ever have a chance with the one that held his heart. He silently cursed himself for falling for Jaejoong. The ahjummas were right after all- he and Yunho did have a lot in common. He just didn't know that they'd actually fall for the same person.

Mrs. Jung looked towards Jaejoong's direction and was quite startled when he saw Seunghyun staring at the boy. She turned her head to the stage where her son peeked out from behind the curtain and then back towards where Seunghyun stood. As if something had clicked in her head, a slow smile started to form on her beautiful face. She was entirely sure that this time, she would definitely succeed in separating the two youngsters- and she wouldn't let them have any choice.


I'm sorry this took so long! I was very busy and, after the japan earthquake happened, I had to make sure that my relatives over there were safe before I could continue writing.

Thank you to those who waited patiently! I must say that my updates aren't going to be fast >.< school is getting more demanding nowadays =[

Anyways, thank you for reading! And please bear with me if you found this chapter kind of messy, I feel kind of messed up right now lol!

//is in a rush. The break went by too fast!

Comments are loved! 

fic: player meets player, humor, au, fluff, angst, drama, romance, chaptered

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