7 Days With A Certified Bastard [3]

Feb 16, 2011 08:01

Title: 7 Days With A Certified Bastard
Author: YukiBoo
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Humor, Slight Drama
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Foreign exchange student Kim Jaejoong agreed to help rebel Jung Yunho and nice guy Choi Dongwook to win over his cousin’s heart. An unexpected twist occurs when both men find themselves falling alarmingly fast for their little helper instead.

- English-


Jaejoong laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling; Yunho had really gone on that date with Gyuri last night. Jaejoong didn’t blame him though, what kind of man would you be if you cancel out on your date at the last minute without a legitimate reason?

What am I thinking, why would he even want to cancel? He turned over on his spot and glanced at the digital clock sitting on top of the end table. 12:54 P.M. He’d been locked in his room, staring at nothing in particular for the past two hours. He stretched lazily and forced himself to detach his limbs from the comfort of the bed to get ready.

“Party starts in an hour.” He mumbled sleepily as he sat there, slumped. The idea of just ditching the party fleeted in his mind but then he remembered that it would probably be the last day he’d be able to spend with the new friends he made at the school. He dragged his feet to the bathroom and quickly got ready with that thought in mind.


“Oh.” Jaejoong opened the door to the club where they hosted the party and was momentarily stunned by the loud music which greeted his unprepared ears.

“Jaejoong!” He heard a couple of shouts coming from all corners of the dimply lit place and all he could do was smile and look around, hoping that his friends would understand that he could barely see anything.

“Jae,” he felt a warm hand land on his back and he turned his head to face its owner.

“Hey dream boy,” they had gone back to friendly terms once Dongwook apologized for his uncalled for behaviour back at the school garden. The other man chuckled and led him to an empty sofa right by the bar.

“So why are you late?” Dongwook asked once he settled himself in the seat, reaching for one of the small glasses decorating the coffee table in front of them.

“I got lost,” Jaejoong murmured. His eyes wandered around the club before they landed on a sight that he’d been trying to avoid all along.

Yunho and Gyuri stood at the other end of the bar, talking quietly between themselves. Yunho had probably found out that she was just on a date with Dongwook this morning and was now playing the role of a jealous boyfriend confronting his precious girl. Did Dongwook even continue with the date? He likes me doesn’t he? Wow, that sounds like such a self-centered thought. Jaejoong eyed the clear liquid inside the shot glasses in front of him.

“Is this strong?” He had heard a couple of times that alcohol could help with depression.

“What? The drink?” Jaejoong nodded, “I think so? Really depends on the person. Are you a light weight?” Dongwook questioned.

“I don’t know, I’ve never drank before.” He grabbed a glass and downed it in one shot, wincing at the odd taste assaulting his taste buds. Endure it, Jaejoong. Helps with depression, you’ll start feeling happy real soon. Just imagine you’re eating kimchi, or jjajangmyun- or cake. Cake is good. He grabbed another glass and forced it down his throat as well.

“Whoa Jae, slow down! What’re you doing?” Dongwook grabbed his hands and took away his third glass.

“No, give it! I don’t feel it yet!” Jaejoong shot his arms out and tried to take a new one.

“Feel what?” Dongwook grabbed both of his wrists and held them still.

“Aren’t I supposed to feel happy when I get drunk?” The raven asked softly, looking longingly and the alcoholic beverages.

“What? Why do you wanna feel happy? Hey! Look here.” The handsome man let one of Jaejoong’s hands go in order to turn his head away from the shots.

“Yunho...” Jaejoong’s big eyes looked to the side when a shadow fell over them.

“Yunho?” Dongwook felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around to see Yunho’s figure looming over them.

“I need to talk to Jae,” he grabbed Jaejoong’s free hand and pulled him to his feet. Jaejoong followed him to the exit wordlessly, forgetting his strong need to get drunk now that Yunho was beside him. I can now let out my depression by punching him in the face. Yunho dragged him towards an abandoned corner right by the club and gently pressed him against the wall. “You lied to me didn’t you?” Jaejoong’s eyes widened. Oh no, did Gyuri tell him?

“A-about what?”

“Almost everything you told me about Gyuri... they were all lies weren’t they?” Yunho slowly advanced towards the now frightened Jaejoong. Aw shit, he’s gonna hurt me, he’s gonna hurt me!

“I- I- ah!” Jaejoong let out a surprised yell when Yunho slammed his hands on the wall on either side of his head.

“Why?” Think Jaejoong, think! Maybe if you think of a good enough reason, he’d let you off! Unfortunately, being trapped between a wall and his possible murderer didn’t do any good for Jaejoong’s boggled mind.

“I’m sorry! Please don’t hurt me!” The smaller man closed his eyes as he saw Yunho lift one of his hands. He turned his head to the side and prepared to receive the painful blow from Yunho’s large hand when his head was suddenly pulled forward and a pair of soft, warm lips enveloped his own.

Jaejoong’s eyes snapped open and he moved his hands to push Yunho away but the taller male immediately grabbed hold of his hands and kept them locked against the brunette’s strong chest. The hand behind Jaejoong’s head tightened and brought his face even closer towards Yunho. Jaejoong felt the other man’s teeth gently nibbling on his lower lip and he screwed his eyes shut having no other choice but to open his mouth and let Yunho in. Jaejoong pounded his locked hands against Yunho’s chest as he tried to pull away. Need. Air. Now.

“Why?” Jaejoong managed to gasp out as Yunho finally pulled away to get some much needed air in their lungs. He leaned against the wall, trying to fight away the dizziness in his head.

“You know you didn’t have to do that, you could’ve just told me,” Yunho declared, seemingly as breathless as Jaejoong felt.

“Huh? Do what?” Jaejoong questioned confusedly. He couldn’t really comprehend anything in the moment.

“You could’ve just told me that you like me and didn’t want me to be with Gyuri. You didn’t have to lie and make up all that crap.” Yunho released Jaejoong’s hands and opted to wrap both of his arms around the dazed man instead. What?! Who likes who?! Jaejoong pushed him away a little and stared at the handsome man incredulously. It's not like he didn't like Yunho but the guy totally got the wrong idea from Jaejoong's previous actions.

“Hold on there tough guy, who said that I did that because I like you?”

“Well why else would you do it?” Oh the nerve! Gah!

“Sorry to break it to you pal, but I did it out of hate, not love.” Yunho looked at him for a moment before a flicker of sadness appeared in his lovely almond eyes. Did he really think that I loved him at first sight?

“You mean, you don’t remember?” Uh oh, what am I supposed to remember?

“Err... can you...elaborate?” Yunho stared at him some more before sighing and resting his elbows on the wall behind Jaejoong; locking the confused man in place.


“Hey look guys, it’s the fat kid who can’t talk!” A blonde boy pointed his little fingers towards a little Korean boy sitting alone at the corner. “I bet he can’t even understand what we’re saying! FATTY!” The large group of boys roared in laughter as they jabbed their fingers and entertained themselves by making fun of the new kid.

“Shut up Andrew, it’s not like you can talk properly either!” A cute kid with straight black hair stepped up and defended the chubby boy. A couple of kids around them couldn’t keep in their laughter as the newcomer made fun of the blonde kid’s lisp. “Come back and laugh once you get rid of your own problems dumbhead!” The little kid then turned on his heels and headed for the new boy in their school. “Hi!” He waved cheerfully as he crouched down in front of the chubby kid.

“Hi,” the other boy responded timidly. The smaller kid seemed satisfied with the answer as he smiled brightly and held out his hand.

“My name’s Hero, what’s yours?” The chubby boy stared at the hand for a couple of minutes before he grabbed it, pushing himself up from the ground.

“I- I my name is Vincent.” He responded in shaky and heavily accented English. However, the other boy simply ignored it and continued smiling.

“Alright then Vincent, let’s go play!”


“No! Don’t leave me Vinny!” The two friends, now nine year olds, stood at the park just across the chubby boy’s house.

“I don’t wanna leave either, Hero.” The boy called Vincent sniffed into his long sleeved shirt as he watched his friend bawl miserably at the foot of the slide. He walked over to his best friend of two years and hugged him for comfort. “I swear, when I’m older, I’ll go look for you and we can stay together forever!” The bigger boy declared, his English obviously honed.

“No! I don’t wanna wait til then! I want you to stay!” The sobbing boy clung onto the other’s shirt, unwilling to let his friend leave.

“Yunho!” Vincent’s mother called, still used to calling him by his Korean name.

“Joongie, let’s go.” Hero’s parents came over to pick up their kid as they finished their goodbyes with the Jung family.

“No!” Yunho found it even harder to leave as he saw his friend’s tear streaked face begging him to stay. If only he could, he wouldn’t hesitate to stay behind and be with his Hero. He hugged the little boy one last time and tried to implant his friend’s familiar scent into his brain.

“I’ll miss you Hero! I promise we’ll meet again someday!” Tears dropped from his small eyes as his best friend’s figure became smaller and smaller until he completely disappeared into the horizon.

--End Flashback-

“We got into an accident on the way back to Korea, I lost most of my memories and I couldn’t remember anything about you except, oddly enough, your unique scent.” Jaejoong stood still, slowly processing the new information he received.

Yunho stared at the motionless man feeling a horrible sense of dread creeping into his mind. Did his Hero forget him already? He knows it's been a number of years since they were separated but there was no way that Jaejoong could forget about him so easily right? Heck, he was the one that lost his memories yet he still managed to find his precious friend!

“You’re my Vinny?” Jaejoong whispered quietly, snapping Yunho out of his paranoid thoughts. The taller's man's wayward imagination was just getting to the part where Jaejoong knees him in between the legs (as payback for the stolen kiss) when the object of his affection brought his arms up to hug onto Yunho’s neck. “So you’re alive! And you found me!” He jumped up and down while Yunho just chuckled, wrapping his own arms around Jaejoong’s moving body. The handsome man's heart was instantly at ease; Jaejoong still remembered.

So we really go way back huh? Explains the instant attraction. Jaejoong thought, relishing in the warmth from Yunho's body. “What happened to you? Where did that sweet attitude go? Now you’re all... badass.”

“What, you don’t like it?”

“Oh, I do.”

“Then stop complaining.”

Jaejoong smiled up at Yunho happily before the taller man swooped down and took his lips for a breathtaking kiss.


“Wake up.” Jaejoong groaned as he felt something shaking him from sleep.

“Go ‘way,” he swatted at a random direction, hoping to hit whatever it was that dared to disturb him from his precious rest.

“Wake up, dammit! It’s already 1 in the afternoon!” He felt a harsh kick on his bed and he groaned, unable to go back to sleep anymore.

“What the hell Yun?!”

“Get up! Hurry and take a shower, we’re going on a date.” Yunho grabbed the sheets covering Jaejoong’s body and pulled them to the floor, earning him a pillow in the face courtesy of the cranky man on the bed.

“Date? Says who?”

“Says me, now go!” Jaejoong muttered darkly to himself but complied anyway. It was his last day in Korea and he couldn’t think of any better way to spend it than be with Yunho.

When he finished in the bathroom, he spotted the other man on his unmade bed, dozing away in dreamland. He creeped closer to the unsuspecting guy and examined his adorable sleeping face. Alright it wasn’t exactly adorable but hey, it was a change from the usual. Yunho’s mouth was wide open in slumber and his eyes looked like they wanted to close yet remain open at the same time.

“Yunnie,” he poked Yunho’s soft cheeks in hopes of waking the man up. His finger was quickly grabbed after the first poke, startling him a little but then a slow smile started forming on his face as Yunho blinked his eyes open. “Your turn to wake up, sleepyhead.” Yunho smiled back in response and jumped up from his resting spot. “Where are we going?”

“That's for me to know and for you to... know later.” Yunho stretched widely before taking Jaejoong’s hand in his as they proceeded to head downstairs.

“Good morning guys!” Mrs. Jung called, hearing the descending footsteps. Jaejoong tried to pull his hands away from Yunho but the other wouldn’t let go. As Yunho’s mother stepped out of the kitchen to hand them a big basket, she couldn’t help but notice how flustered Jaejoong looked.

“Thanks mom, we’ll be going then.” Yunho leaned forward to plant a kiss on his mother’s cheek, unwittingly exposing their interlocked hands.

“Okay,” the lady smiled knowingly. “Have fun.”


“Hey! This is the beach we went to before!” Jaejoong exclaimed, shouting over the loud crashing of the waves.

“Yeah. You’re not allergic to the sun are you?” Yunho chuckled as Jaejoong punched his shoulder lightly, laughing along.

“No I’m not, thank you very much.” The smaller male pulled his shoes off and set them aside before running straight towards the cold sea.

“Hey! Jaejoong!” Yunho placed the basket down beside their shoes and followed Jaejoong to the vast expanse of water.

“Yunho! Let’s play water tag!”

“The hell?”

“You’re it!”

“Wait! I can’t freakin’ run underwater you fool!” Yunho bent down to gather a huge amount of water in his arms before splashing everything in Jaejoong’s direction.

“Hey! What?!” Jaejoong retorted by splashing Yunho as well, getting some of the salt water in the other man’s eyes in the process.

“What the- you!” Yunho rubbed his eyes briefly before charging towards Jaejoong.

“Whoo! Water tag!” The exchange student ran away happily, making sure to take huge steps as to splash Yunho whenever he got close. A couple of minutes into the game had them panting in laughter while still trying to chase each other. I never imagined that I would ever have this kind of moment with Yunho. “Ok, ok stop. I give up- Yunho!” The taller man caught him in his arms and dunked the both of them under water. But then again, I didn’t know that he was actually by sweet, chubby bear from before.

“You’re so lovely Jaejoong.” The recipient of the compliment couldn’t help but blush at the statement. He took Yunho’s hands and started walking them back towards the shore.

“And you, Jung Yunho, are the cheesiest walking cliché I’ve ever met.”

“Bad thing or good thing?”

“Good thing.”


“This thing’s good.”

“Jaejoong, it’s an orange.”

“It’s the good kind of orange!” The couple now sat at the shore of the empty beach, Yunho sat on the sand with his hands supporting his weight while Jaejoong laid on the ground, using Yunho’s shoulder as a backrest. “I don’t want today to end.” Jaejoong uttered, popping a small piece of orange in his mouth.

“Me either.” Yunho used his free hand to reach over and brush a stray piece of hair away from Jaejoong’s face. “Oh, I have something for you by the way." Jaejoong craned his neck to the side to see Yunho fumbling around a second set of basket right by the first one. Since when did we have two? That’s weird. Jaejoong’s musing was cut off when he was presented with the most beautiful bouquet of flowers he had ever seen.

“So they exist.” He whispered in wonder as he ran his hands over the soft petals of the tie-dye roses. “Damn.” The surprised man looked up at Yunho and hugged him fiercely. “Where did you get this?! You didn’t have to you know... I didn’t even know they were real!”

“A friend of mine works at this place called ‘Happy Colors’. Apparently, they sell those stuff.” Yunho answered, returning the hug. “Wait, there’s more.” He reached a hand in the basket while he kept one around Jaejoong’s warm body.

“Don’t tell me... “ Jaejoong’s wide eyes went back and forth between the box of chocolate and up at Yunho’s smiling eyes.


“Whoa.” Jaejoong tore the box open to reveal small chocolate pieces decorated with hazelnuts on the outside. “I was pretty sure that this didn’t exist.”

“It didn’t, but my aunt owns a chocolate factory so... “ Jaejoong set the box down after taking a piece, throwing it in his mouth to taste the wonderful flavor of his made up chocolate.

“Thank you so much Yunnie! I can’t believe you- wait did you originally get this for Gyuri?” He asked, arms growing limp around Yunho. “Don’t tell me this is-“

“No stupid. They were really for you. I started liking you since the first day ya know and I figured that if I’m spending this much on someone, it might as well be for the one I truly like.” Yunho wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. “Of course I bought some extra for Gyuri too.”

“You really thought she was me huh?”

“Don’t blame me! I can’t even remember your voice or you face. All I went by was the smell.” Jaejoong suddenly laughed at the mental image that statement had given him. He imagined a desperate Yunho walking around the streets sniffing people in hopes of finding ‘Hero’.

“What are you gonna do after I leave tomorrow?”

“Play video games.” Jaejoong smacked his head. “What do you want me to say? Go in a corner and cry?”


“Then I’ll go in a corner and cry.” The couple sat watching the slowly dimming sky as they enjoyed their last moments together.

“I’ll miss you.” Jaejoong mumbled, hiding his face in the crook of Yunho’s neck.

“Yeah, me too.” Yunho dropped a kiss on Jaejoong’s hair and closed his eyes. “Just when I found you, you’re being taken away again.”

“Life’s not fair.” Jaejoong removed his head from under Yunho’s chin and leaned up to meet the other in a slow, sweet kiss.

“Just so you know, I’ll follow you everywhere if I could.” Jaejoong chuckled at that.

“I know.”


“This feels like a horrible déjà vu, except we’re in an airport.” Jaejoong chuckled uneasily as he and Yunho stood at the airport, preparing to say goodbye. He was headed to the plane alone as he and Gyuri decided back in Canada that they would take separate flights back. Besides, the girl was probably still mad at the fact that he unknowingly stole away the most gorgeous guys that were after her. “I’ll miss you Yunnie.”

“I’ll miss you too,” Yunho stepped forward and enveloped Jaejoong into a warm hug. The shorter male felt tears prickle at his eyes but he held them back. They heard a couple of people yell out their names and they pulled away to see a small group of their friends coming over.

“Jaejae! I just met you and you’re leaving right away!” Yoochun, the one who gave Jaejoong the cute, greasy smile the first time they met, came running forward and tackled Jaejoong into a hug.

“I know! Why so early?!” Junsu, the other half of the Kim twins joined the duo in the tangle of limbs.

“Hey!” Changmin, the one who stuttered at his first dose of Jaejoong’s cuteness, joined in the group hug as well.

“I would join, but you guys look stupid enough. No need to add more.” Junho, the larger half of the Kim brothers spoke.

“Oh come here you brute,” Jaejoong’s muffled voice declared before one of his hands shot out to grab onto Junho’s arm and pulled him into the hug.

“I’d like a hug too.” Jaejoong pulled away from the four guys and threw his arms around Dongwook for a tight hug.

“Thanks for being a good friend, I’ll miss you.”

“I’ll miss you too Jae.”

“Okay that’s enough,” Yunho peeled Dongwook away from his lover before wrapping his own arms around Jaejoong once again. “Take care alright? Call me once you get there. Sleep well, eat a lot and don’t die in a plane crash.” He left a sweet kiss on Jaejoong’s forehead and reluctantly let him go. Jaejoong laughed softly and moved forward to kiss Yunho’s cheek.

“Bye Yunnie,” he then peeked behind Yunho and waved at the others. “Bye guys.” He gave them one last smile before turning around and walking inside the passenger entrance. As the four goons huddled together for comfort, Dongwook and Yunho stood beside each other, watching Jaejoong’s disappearing figure.

“How come I always lose everything to you?” Dongwook broke the short silence between them.

“That’s just how life works. Maybe you were born to lose to Jung Yunho.” The shorter male let out an airy laugh at Yunho’s remark.

“Still a bastard, I see.”

“Can’t change who I am.”

“Yeah, I noticed,” Dongwook turned to head for the exit.

“Hey Choi,” Yunho called out, effectively stopping Dongwook in his tracks.


“How about I let you win the MVP award this year?” Yunho continued, eyes still trained on the place where Jaejoong had walked in. Dongwook scoffed as a smile began to form on his face.

“Yeah, yeah whatever you say. See ya at school then.”

“I don’t think so.”

“Huh?” Yunho took his eyes off the passenger entrance and turned towards Dongwook with a smirk.

“I’ve got other plans.”


“Aren’t you going home?” Melody, one of Jaejoong’s classmates asked as he sat himself on one of the window’s wide edges. He shook his head and waved a dismissive hand.

“I’m just waiting for the bus, don’t worry about me.” He sent the girl a lovely smile before turning back to the outside view from the window. He heard the door click shut and he was once again left alone to himself.

He didn’t get why Mr. and Mrs. Nam felt the need to send them to Korea for only a week and also had them attend school. Why couldn’t they just go there for vacation? It was alright though; he didn’t even do anything while he was there. Why should he try when he knew that he would leave the next week anyway? So why did the Nams decide to send the cousins off to their hometown? The world may never know.

Even so, he was glad that they did. He had whatever force it was that made Gyuri’s parents kick them off to thank for meeting his Yunho once again. Though it was short-lived, it was enough for Jaejoong to know that ‘Vincent’ hadn’t forgotten him.

“Why are you always being a freakin’ loner?” Jaejoong was startled at the voice. He didn’t even notice anyone come! He jumped at the sound of the intruder and promptly stumbled off the window ledge. He felt an arm wrap around his middle to prevent him from falling flat on his back and gripped onto the person’s shirt to regain his balance. “You know, you don’t always have to fall for me whenever we meet.” The man above him grinned cheekily while Jaejoong stared on in surprise. The shocked man decided to ignore the lame pick up line and smiled brightly instead.

“Yunnie! What are you doing here?!” He hurriedly jumped up and attacked the taller man with a bear hug, barely giving him time to explain before prattling on, “How come you didn’t tell me? I could’ve prepared myself and not fall this time you jerk!”

“Hm, I wanted it to be a surprise. You’re so cute when you’re in shock.” Yunho stated, squeezing Jaejoong in his arms.

“So, why are you here?” Jaejoong pulled back slightly in able to talk to his boyfriend face to face.

“I’m studying here baby,” Yunho declared, a satisfied smirk on his face. “I need to practice my English anyways so- “

“Wait, what? Why? How?”

“I’m studying here. I told you, I’ll follow you everywhere. I can’t lose you now that I just found you.” Yunho held a silky lock of Jaejoong’s hair between his fingers and played with them, admiring the soft texture of the ebony threads.

“So you really followed me here...” Jaejoong couldn’t help the smile forming on his face as he thought of the sweet gesture Yunho had done.

“Yeah, we only have one more year of high school anyways, we’ll officially be free and legal after we graduate. We can go back to Korea and finish college there if you want.”

“Of course I want! I miss those crazy friends of ours you know,” Jaejoong walked backwards and jumped up to sit on the desk behind him, pulling Yunho forward by the collar. “And I want some more of those chocolates you made for me.” He grinned, pecking Yunho on the lips.

“That’s all you care about? The chocolates?!”

“I liked the roses too.”

“You’re so materialistic Joongie.”

“You love me.”

“So sure of yourself.”

“Says you! But you love me anyways.”

“So stubborn.”

“You love me for that.”

“Yeah, yeah, I love you so what?” Jaejoong grinned as Yunho stared down at him in all seriousness.

“So,” he began, easily lacing their hands together. “I love you too you bastard.” He finished, leaning up as Yunho bent down to seal their words with a kiss.

The End

Thank you for reading everyone! Hope you liked it. Comments are very much loved!
Happy very belated valentine's day! Enjoy your chocolates lol XD

humor, drama, chaptered, romance, au, fluff

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