Player Meets Player [Ch.11]

Oct 10, 2010 21:55

Author: YukiBooPairing: Yunho/Jaejoong
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Highschool-AU, Humor, Drama, Angst
Summary: Kim Jaejoong is the well-known heartbreaker in KiJu High while Jung Yunho is the ever so popular heartthrob from Chunsang High. World peace ends when Jung Yunho is transferred into Kim Jaejoong's school.

Where the students are unfathomably gorgeous
Where the bitches don't get their ways 
Where fangirls lose blood over nosebleeds
Where there's an overdose of idiotic msn convos
Welcome to KiJu High

Ring ding dong ding ding dong ding digi-

Jaejoong slammed his palm over his phone, effectively shutting the music off. He groaned, shivering as he realized that he had slept through the whole third period and half of fourth period on the school rooftop. The sky was already tainted gray even at such an early time.

That's right, winter's coming.

He grabbed his cellphone off the ground and opened it, ignoring the cold chill of the metal resting in his hands as he checked his inbox. He scrolled through the barrage of messages that came from various people asking where he was. He also had eleven missed calls.

He sighed and brought his arms around himself, it was getting a bit too cold for his liking.

Warmth suddenly enfolded him and he looked up, startled to see Yunho's handsome face smiling down at him. The brunet placed an over-sized jacket over Jaejoong's trembling body.

Yunho then crouched down in front of Jaejoong and placed a hand on top of the smaller man's head, feeling the soft, raven locks flutter in the breeze.

"What do you think you're doing here at this kind of weather, huh?"

Jaejoong was a bit surprised at Yunho's tone of voice. He expected it to be the usual teasing tone the other guy used whenever he made fun of Jaejoong's bad decision making skills but he noticed that Yunho's voice sounded kind of... relieved? Worried? He wasn't sure. Jaejoong tried to say something back but a violent shiver cut him off and he just opted to staying quiet and staring at Yunho.

Yunho sighed when he realized that he wasn't getting any response from Jaejoong. He stood up, bringing the other man up with him and helping Jaejoong slip his arms into the holes of the jacket.

"We've been looking for you, Key got worried when you didn't reply any of his messages and everyone started freaking out when Heechul came up with a theory of what had happened to you in his frantic state. Apparently, you didn't like skipping class."

Jaejoong laughed softly, it was just like his friends to over-react over everything.

"I just needed to clear my head."

"Couldn't you clear your head awake? You know? So people could contact you and maybe not have to run around the whole 3 floors of this giant building bursting in every class looking for you?"

"You... ran around school looking for me?" Jaejoong asked, humor laced in his voice. Yunho's head snapped up and he stuttered, trying to form a sentence.

"Psh, no! I just used that as an example, it's not like I'd... psh... uh no heh." Yunho turned away, slapping a palm on his face. Real smooth Jung, real smooth.

"You're such a dork!" Jaejoong exclaimed playfully, obviously not believing what Yunho was trying to say. He laughed obnoxiously at Yunho's lame excuse.They made their way downstairs, their voices echoing off the walls as they engaged themselves in conversation.

Jaejoong crossed his arms in front of his chest, relishing the heat coming from the jacket, happy that it was Yunho that found him on the rooftop. Seemed that Yunho's attention was still on him after all.

"We need to do something." Yoochun placed his chin in his hands as he waited for his 4th period class to end.

"Yes we do. Yunho's still texting with some of the girls he hasn't dated yet." Key turned around in his seat to face Yoochun.

"Uhuh, and according to Chullie, Jaejoong was actually willing to date Taeyang if he asked." Yoochun added, tapping a pen to his cheek.

Key clicked his tongue at Yoochun's statement, drumming slim fingers on the desk as he puffed his cheeks.

"We need to do something."

"... that's what I said..."

When the bell finally rang, Yoochun and Key shot out of their seats to find their other friends and hopefully devise a plan to help bring Yunjae together. They weren't sure why they were so intent on getting those two together but they just... wanted them together.

"First off, where the hell is Joongie and why isn't he answering any of our messages?!" Key furiously shook his phone in the air but immediately quieted down when he heard familiar laughter coming from the stairwell. He stopped in his tracks and signaled for Yoochun to do the same.

They watched as Yunho and Jaejoong appear from the corner, laughing and jabbing at each other. They also noticed that the sweater that Yunho wore for the whole day was now covering Jaejoong's body instead.

"Oh, Yunho found him." Yoochun smiled and headed for his locker.

Key stood for a moment, watching Yunho walk Jaejoong to his locker.The taller man leaned onto the locker next to Jaejoong's and waited for the other to finish stuffing his books in his bag before walking across to his own locker.

Key squealed when Jaejoong followed.

Looks like there's no need for us to interfere. He promptly skipped away to the next hallway, fingers automatically tapping away on his phone.

"I'll drive you home." Jaejoong shook his head at Yunho's offer.

"Don't you need to drive Dara? It's fine, I'll walk."

"No. You're not walking." Yunho shut his locker and grabbed Jaejoong's wrist, dragging him away from the crowded halls and into the pleasantly empty cafeteria. They ignored the curious stares and the hushed whispers they gained. What now? Is there another rumor going around? "I can drop you off at your house first, Dara's going home with me anyways."

Jaejoong pouted at the other's choice of words but he nodded. After all, who would want to walk in this kind of weather?

"Yunnie!" Dara entered the cafeteria and bounced to their side.

"Hey." Yunho responded, smiling brightly.

Jaejoong smiled sweetly and waved. Dara happily waved back, remembering Jaejoong from her first period class.

As the trio walked out, everyone seemed to be clutching at their phones and staring at the screens with shocked expressions on their faces. The wide eyed girls turned their attention to them and stared.

Why the hell are they staring at my b-....back... Jaejoong slowly slid the the jacket off his body and turned it. Well, shit.

It was blatantly obvious that he wore Yunho's jacket. It was a jacket customized specially for Yunho and it had 'U-Know' written on the back. It didn't mean much to him but it certainly meant a lot for those gossip crazed students at their school. He could only wait and see what kinds of rumors these people would spread by tomorrow.

He jogged forward to catch up with Yunho, who discreetly smirked in glee, knowing exactly what the stares and whispers were all about.

Nuguboda nareul deo midneunkeol
Motiki neun cheok nareul ddarawa
Gonna be the one that I want

"Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!!"

"Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!!"

Yunho groaned, resisting the urge to sing along with the two lunatics in his car just to shut them up. They'd been belting out every single song that came on the radio since they got in, urging Yunho to at least sing once and they promise they'd stop.

The mentioned lunatics at the back giggled, it wasn't hard for them to get along at all. They were both outgoing and energetic; the perfect combination to vanish someone's sanity. In this case, Yunho's.

The duo finally decided to stop singing, much to Yunho's immense relief, and contented themselves to exchanging phone numbers and picking out nicknames for each other.

Yunho parked his car across Jaejoong's house and the latter quickly thanked them and bid goodbye.

"Yah, Jae!"

"Hmm?"Jaejoong turned and was surprised to see Yunho standing right behind him. He backed away a few steps to create space between them.

"My jacket? Or would you like to keep it and hug it in your sleep?" Yunho teased.

"Asshole." Jaejoong chuckled and shoved Yunho's jacket in the owner's chest. "See ya then." Jaejoong turned back around but Yunho grabbed his arm before he could walk away. The shorter male paused, eyebrows lifted. "Yes?"

Yunho just turned his head and pointed at his cheek.

"Har har har, let me go," Jaejoong rolled his eyes. Is he serious? He pondered in confusion.

"Not without my goodbye kiss!" Yunho stated petulantly.

Jaejoong indulged him, kissing one of his fingers before poking Yunho's face with it.

"There, happy? Now bye!" He rushed inside his house before Yunho could say anything else.

Yunho smiled at the other's cuteness and walked backwards towards his car.

"You like him?" Dara inquired curiously.

"Am I obvious?"


Yunho's smile widened, "good."

To: Jae~
From: Yunho~!

Where are you?


From: Jae~
To: Yunho~!


"Yunho, put your phone away, we are eating," a woman's stern voice interrupted his reply and he wordlessly closed his phone, knowing it would be futile to argue with his mother. He slipped his cellphone back in his pocket and pushed the food around his plate.

Dara glanced at both mother and son, wishing that Mr. Jung was there to help ease the tension.

It was a well known fact that Yunho and his mother didn't get along. Ever since he was a kid, all she did was dictate him on everything, not even bothering to ask what he wanted to do. She believed that she was the one who knew what was best for her only son.

The house-phone rang and Yunho immediately stood up to answer it, not bothering to excuse himself which, of course, caused Mrs. Jung to sigh in frustration.

Didn't I teach him not to answer the phone while eating? She thought with a shake of her head.

"Hello? Yeah dad?" Yunho's tone of voice spontaneously lightened and a smile broke unto his face at hearing his father's voice. Yunho and his father had always been close, the older man supported his son in everything he wanted to do and often helped him with dealing with his mother. However, there were still those odd times where he would reprimand Yunho of things he thought wouldn't do good for his son's life. An example of that would be Yunho's player ways. "Alright, I'll tell them, see ya!" Yunho hung up the phone and stood at the foot of the dining table, still with a smile on his face.

"Dad is at the Gazette Mall and he wants us to meet him there. He'll treat us to dinner." He took out his phone again and headed for the door, the maids started collecting the dirty dishes at the table.

"We already ate Yunho," his mother interjected. The lady Jung stood up straight and brushed invisible dust particles off her formal clothing, following behind Yunho.

"Wouldn't wanna disappoint dad and besides, he wants to celebrate Dara's return."

To: Jae~
From: Yunho~!

Alright, I'll see you there ;]

He chuckled at his own message before pressing send.

Jaejoong leaned on one of the store racks and stared at his phone.

What does he mean he'll see me? He doesn't know where I work does he? He looked behind him at the large poster of Yunho sporting the most expensive Evisu products. He poked at the paper abs and glared at the fake Yunho.  "You... you are- "


"What?" he turned around and faced Junsu, pretending that he didn't just start talking to a non-living object.

"I'm bored."

"So am I," he sighed, one more paycheck and he would be able to buy the car he'd been drooling over but that didn't mean that he could quit his job after that. But this job is so boring!

"Jae... are you seeing what I think I'm seeing?" He felt Junsu tap him on the shoulder.

"Uh yes, if you're seeing what I'm seeing that I think you're also seeing...." Jaejoong replied, looking straight ahead.

"Is the thing you're seeing that you think I'm also seeing getting closer and closer?"

"Yes... if we really are seeing the same thing then it is getting closer..." Jaejoong studied the customer approaching the rack in front of them. "He should really pop that pimple huh?" he commented, tilting his head to side.

Junsu rolled his eyes and turned Jaejoong's face ninety degrees.

"I wasn't talking about some guy with a huge, ugly pimple! Even though that is pretty disturbing but that's not the point! Look!"

Jaejoong watched as the real life Jung Yunho walked in the store along with Dara, two adults were also walking behind them.

Some customers whipped their heads back and forth from the picture on the wall then to the man that just entered the store. Well, those customers were lucky to have come at this time. However, the model completely ignored their gawking and headed straight to where Jaejoong stood.

"So," he started. "Any recommendations for today?" He smirked down at Jaejoong.

Jaejoong's cellphone vibrated and he looked down at it, noticing that he got a new text message from Yunho.

From: Yunho~!
To: Jae~

Told you I'd see ya

Whoa, Yunho can text without looking now?! How did he learn so fast? Jaejoong shook his head and hurried to stand behind the cash register when Yunho, Dara and, he assumed, Yunho's parents started browsing around the store.

The lady kept placing the fabrics between her thumb and index finger before scoffing and flicking them away as if they were stained by some kind of bacteria.

Jaejoong frowned. No matter how much he hated working here, he could guarantee that the store sold great quality clothing, thank you very much. His frown deepened when the woman opened her mouth.

"You model for this store Yunho? Hm, my expectations were high."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Yunho replied in a hostile tone. Jaejoong then remembered how Yunho refused to talk about his mom back at the camp.

"I tried to stop you from working here, but you didn't listen. You even got your father to help you convince me that this was a good idea, which it is obviously not," she walked up to the check out and Jaejoong stood in front of her, dumbfounded.

How can this woman be so... so UGH I don't even know the word!

"So now you're stuck here, modelling for this measly little store with- " she looked at Jaejoong. " -with all these poor and probably uneducated employees."

Yunho's face distorted in disbelief and anger.

"Mom! You- "

"Excuse me?!" Jaejoong exploded. He decided that he didn't like Yunho's mom very much, that was beyond rude!

"Jae." Junsu tried to calm his friend, he knew how explosive he could get.

"What did you just call me?" Jaejoong continued, dismissing Junsu's restraining hand.

"I will not tolerate such disrespect from you." The woman stated coldly.

"Disrespect? Well just to let you know your highness, you're not starring in some drama series and I'm not one to keep quiet when insulted like that. You should know that I AM educated and I'm only working for pocket money, not because I'm poor." He stated without raising his voice.

Mrs. Jung lifted her chin higher, so high that Jaejoong could see her wide nostrils and a little booger hiding in one of them.

Ew. So much for being high class.

"As touching as your speech was, it didn't change my view on this store- or you," she exclaimed haughtily. "I believe that this type of clothing is very much indecent and of low quality." She added, smoothing out her outfit as if to put emphasis on what she thought 'good quality' was.

"Well I'm sorry that you don't understand the teenage trend nowadays, I don't really expect you to keep up." Jaejoong shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. She wasn't just insulting the clothes. He looked away and opened the door for them. "Please leave if you don't like what you see, we don't need nonconstructive criticisms." He bowed so that he wouldn't have to face them as they walked out the door. He peeked upwards to see Mr. Jung walk out with a tight face, Mrs. Jung following with that booger still in her nose while Dara walked behind them, smiling apologetically and Yunho- 
Where's Yunho? Jaejoong stood up straight and scratched his head. He then felt a hand ruffling his hair from behind and turned to see Yunho grinning down at him.

"Hey, your PMSing was actually useful this time!" Jaejoong smacked the hand away. Now that he had calmed down, he actually felt a little guilty, he shouldn't talk back to elders.

"Don't say that about your mom, I feel bad now," he pouted, entertaining the thought of apologizing.

:Nah, she needed that piece of reality. Well, gotta get going," he waved at Jaejoong and walked out. A few moments later, Jaejoong's phone vibrated in his pocket, signalling another text.

From: Yunho~!
To: Jae~

Your bitchiness is oddly attractive XD

Jaejoong couldn't help but smile, he had no reply to that.


This seems like a filler chap. but everything that occurrs in here is actually relevant for the future ^^
Sorry for the lateness again :[ but I promise that you guys will like the next chapter! Or so I hope XD

Thanks for reading everyone! <3

fic: player meets player, humor, chaptered, romance, au, fluff, angst

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