Stupid Guy

Aug 01, 2009 08:38

I'm annoyed. I don't know why, but I am. It might just be the usual morning crankiness, but it's becoming too much of a habit. I don't mean to be annoyed, but I really get irritated once I see a certain someone. Someone you guys don't know, I'm sure. I always feel really, really crappy; even when he means no harm. I know, I'm being a bitch. Blame morning crankiness.
I really don't want to be a mean person, but I always turn really irritated and hard to handle when I talk to him. I know he's trying to just be light about some stuff, but it's that that makes me reaaaaally annoyed. It's like he knows everything and acts all high and mighty! It's DAMN HELL OBNOXIOUS. Even in his words, he's a headache to me. He sounds so serious, even when he's praising me, and I get even more irritated. I don't want to talk to the guy anymore, but it seems he always wants to talk to me. GUH.

Okay, enough ranting. I have school work to do (and yes, it's a Saturday.)
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