Okay, we finally got the official wedding pictures and we just got a proof book and the disk of the pics so we can get our own printed. I saved a few to show you all here! (i may put more up later but i'm at work so i dont want to waste too much time) warning... i didn't shrink them down to lj friendly sizes so if they're really big, sorry.
Hey, I just thought that i'd let everyone know that I'm back from my honeymoon and am enjoying married life. I'll try to make a more substantial post later detailing everything that went on (that i'm willing to share *wink
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Well, from here on out my internet time will be sporatic at best. Most likely you won't hear from me until next week sometime. I may do a stray voice post or something but don't expect much
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So as you can see, I wrote 10 drabbles last week (1000 words). Last night, I wrote over 2000 words for a chapter to update my Anita Blake/Gundam Wing Xover. 3000 words in less than a week is the most i've wrote in years
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