Dec 13, 2010 02:30

Updating my "to do list", even if it affects mainly my work in Italian language.

First of all I must say that actually I write only about D.Gray-man, my current obsession. And all LAVIYUU, 'cause I'm LaviYuu sick, just so you know.
My main work is in Italian language as I was saying, but I'm managing to get all translated. Slowly but it will be done.
And now a little survey on the stories I'm working on.

Italian language Stories:

- TI FIDI DI ME? (Do you Trust me?)
In progress. The first chapter is translated in English on
Maybe I'll post it here too as soon as I have some time.

- SOTTO IL CIELO AI CONFINI DEL MONDO (Under the Sky at the Border of the World)
In progress. First and second chapter are already translated in English and published on The third one has to be written entirely, so it will take a lot more, sorry!

This one could be considered complete, but I think I'll write an epilogue some day.
Italian only for now, I'm not sure if it's good to translate it, I'm considering it.

In progress. Italian only for now. Will be translated in the future.

Complete. Traslated and published on, I'll post it here too as soon as I have some time.

- VERITA' NASCOSTE (Hidden Truths)
Complete. Italian only. I don't think I'll translate this one, I'm not satisfied with it.

Complete. Italian only for now. Will be translated in the future.

- MASCHERE (Masks)
Complete. Italian only for now. Will be translated in the future, even if it's a whole angst thing...

- ALL'IMPROVVISO, TU... (Suddenly, YOU...)
Complete. Italian only for now. Will be translated in the future.

Italian version complete, even if I will probably add some other scenes in the final part.
First and second chapter published, third chapter on translation right now. I hope to finish it soon.

Complete. I have completed the English version for this one, but since I've tried to be poetic with this drabble, I can't grant it will be poetic as well in English... yay sorry!
Posted for Kanda's Birthday.

- Una Volta non è Abbastanza (One Time is not Enough)
Complete. Italian only for now. Will be translated in the future.

- L'onore di Tutti (Everyone's Honor)
Complete. Italian only for now. Will be translated in the future.

- Solo per Te (Only for You)
Complete. Italian only. I don't think I'll translate this one...

Complete. Italian only. I don't think I'll translate this one...

- It's a Mistake... maybe.
The 1st chapter in English has been posted for Kanda's birthday.
The 2nd chapter in English has been posted for the LaviYu Day.

Kanda is a detective in NY, but his secret dream is another... Events lead him to unexpectedly realize it when Lenalee suddenly rushed into his apartment to ask him to stay there for a while... and mess with his works. Because of her he meet Lavi, a main reporter for a famous newspaper, who desperately want to have an interview with him. Lavi's insistence will pair the two together, drawing too much attention on what everybody believed to be their 'relationship' and causing a lot of troubles to all.

- Non guardarmi cadere (Don't watch me fall)
Complete. Italian only for now. Will be translated soon because I'm a masochist and I want people to kill me for that.
First part up in English; last part still on translation^^""

Kanda is on the verge of death, and he goes through all his life from his childhood until the events which drove him dying on that floor.

- It's a Mistake... or not? (title is provisional^^)
(Yes, it's the sequel of 'It's a Mistake...Maybe' XD)
Complete. Italian only for now. Will be translated right after its first part XD.

Lavi is a reporter in NY, and he receives a strange letter containing a picture of his lover betraying him. The photo is clearly a bad fake, but he decides to investigate equally on that fact, since on the back the sender wrote a really strange address. His curiosity will lead him close to death and to lose Kanda.

- Disturbanza (Awakening) - Disturbance (Awakening)
Complete. Italian only for now. Will be translated eventually.

The Dystopia story is finished, and I have to say it turned out pretty much angsty... And corny in some points. Can something be angsty and corny at the same time? Beside this, I still think that the Dystopia concept applied at D.Gray-man is really interesting. Well, in my humble opinion at least...

So, summary: Lavi and Kanda awaken in places in which they don't remember to have ever been, and with horror realize that the world around them is changed. Each one trying to discover what happened to the other they'll end up swallowed into the whirl of events, and to live something they shouldn't have had worsening the situation.

- Love and Pride
Complete. Italian only for now. Will be translated eventually.

Summary: Europe, half of 1600 dc. Because of a Destiny's bad joke two friends are separated in their earliest years; one of the two is found from one of the pirate's Captain of the Brotherhood and end up growing between the pirates, the other one become one for his old guardian's choice.
After they met in Port Royal, their paths keep meeting on the sea. What the terrible Portuguese, whose crew Lavi is part of, is really searching for? Who is on board of the Flying Dutchman? Which one is the true contents of the mysterious "Innocence's Chest" that Bookman is chasing after?

3) IL Gatto sulla Panchina.  (The Cat on the bench)
A cat story. Yes. Cat. But not the way you might think it could be. And it's CAT!Lavi XD
Now complete. Italian only for now. Will be translated eventually.

Summary: Kanda is a student in a private International High School in London. One day while he was meditating on a stone bench in a park, he found himself attacked by a... cat. An orange annoying cat. And after the commotion (and the consequent mess) Kanda ends up being followed everywhere by the animal.

Fanfictions actually on translation:

Italian version complete, even if I will probably add some other scenes in the final part.
First and second chapter published, third chapter on beta right now. I hope to have it ready soon.

2) It's a Mistake... maybe.
The 1st chapter in English has been posted for Kanda's birthday.
The 2nd chapter in English has been posted for the LaviYu Day.
Will soon work on the third.

Kanda is a detective in NY, but his secret dream is another... Events lead him to unexpectedly realize it when Lenalee suddenly rushed into his apartment to ask him to stay there for a while... and mess with his works. Because of her he meet Lavi, a main reporter for a famous newspaper, who desperately want to have an interview with him. Lavi's insistence will pair the two together, drawing too much attention on what everybody believed to be their 'relationship' and causing a lot of troubles to all.

3) TI FIDI DI ME? (Do you Trust me?)
In progress. The first chapter is translated in English on
I'm working on the second chapter's translation, but it will take long, I'm sorry.

4) SOTTO IL CIELO AI CONFINI DEL MONDO (Under the Sky at the Border of the World)
In progress. First and second chapter are already translated in English and published on The third one has to be written entirely in Italian first, so it will take a lot more to be translated, sorry!

Latest Stories I've just completed:


Complete and fully translated, on beta right now.

Songfic, 4 songs, 4 chapters

It's my answer to the idiocy of the latest D.Gray-man Chapters.

Summary: Lavi leave the Order after he and Kanda shared a difficult relationship. Then he come back after some time, acting like nothing ever happened between them.
Yes, all will end up into the actual storyline. Take it as my revenge on the idiotic author.
And I don't care anymore now what will happen next, to me things are as I told them here.

Fanfiction in progress I'm actually working on actively:

1)  Plotting the third episode of the "It's a Mistake" series XD
XD I will begin write this one in november XD

2) A supernatural story (no, it's not the tv series)

dgrayman, kanda, d.gray-man, fanfiction, lavi

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