Meanwhile on Runescape

Jan 16, 2016 10:46

This week on Runescape:

- Raised Summoning to Level 75
- Raised Mining to Level 75

^ These are skills needed for the Grandmaster-tier elf quest "Plague's End". There are some other Grandmaster quests I want to play first (Plague's End is a Sixth-Age quest-- I can play it independently of "The World Wakes", but the latter chronologically takes place before the elf quests even begin), but this is definitely one that's been on my to-do list. The remaining skills I need for it are Agility, Prayer, and Dungeoneering.

- Raised Defense to Level 85

^ This means I can actually wear the Asylum Surgeon's Ring I got from "Broken Home" on challenge mode. This is one of the top combat rings in the game, as it gives big stat boosts and has the ability to save adrenaline when using charged attacks.

- Managing Miscellania
- Daily Challenges (think I leveled Construction at some point)


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