Meanwhile on Runescape

Oct 23, 2015 19:30

So the Invasion of Falador event is underway in RS. The main event is, of course, the battle for the city itself: Black Knights (invading) versus White Knights (defending). Tough call on a moral standpoint, the White Knights are self-serving hypocrites, the Black Knights are murderous anarchists.

Players don't seem to have to declare allegiance, they can just choose which side's knights to heal (training Herblore and Constitution) and catapults to sabotage (training Construction and Woodcutting).

There are two secondary activities. One is a quick miniquest looking for a legendary banner. The other is a chest that appeared in the garden; every day there are two skills that can be used to progress toward its opening.

In conclusion:

"Watch, we open the chest and it's a dead body... RIP (NPC) Sir Owen poor sod LOL"
"omg proxn nooooo"
"lol proxian"
"tht would be... unexpected"

omg, lol, runescape

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