(no subject)

Apr 08, 2014 21:21

Just what I wanted to see when I came home from vacation & Shuto Con:

@ Home:
- MY KITCHEN IS FULL OF BUGS. Clearly "Operation: Everything Not In The Fridge Must Have A Lid" has been put off far too long. The oatmeal container STARTED BUZZING when I picked it up. ha ha please kill it with fire. Threw out, sifted, and/or replaced everything I had even the slightest concern about roaches getting into, and everything is now in tuppers.
- MY FRIDGE IS FULL OF MOLDY FRUIT/VEGGIES. ALSO THE MILK HAS GONE ORF. Most things were thrown out and/or replaced with fresher ones.

@ Work:
- Boxes piled up around my desk, with no sign of what's already been handled and 32498y981390438+ emails in my inbox telling me to hurry the fuck up. Told not-bosses to give me a briefing on priority, asked QC coworkers to tell me what of my stuff they'd been doing while I was out, which led to...
- BULLYING. Hooooly crap, I hadn't really thought of my coworkers as bullying me, but man did Senior Coworker Lady lay the abuse this morning. Told me about how terrible I was for leaving this weekend so she had to do a ton of shit on short notice as soon as it arrived, and when I asked if this meant she wouldn't call me slow for not being able to do a ton of shit on short notice as soon as it arrived (i.e., my recent breakdown over end-of-month deadlines), she flipped her lid and yelled at me for being too slow because I was asking for details instead of starting on the stuff I DIDN'T KNOW IF SHE'D ALREADY DONE. (thankfully, Boss Man was present and gave her an earful for that, and Religious Coworker Lady helped me sort out what had already been done and told me not to worry about SCL, this is the day the Lord has made and haters gonna hate, etc. RCL is more awesome than I ever gave her credit for.)
- Blue paperwork, at the end of the day, on one of the items I'd been asking the not-bosses about. We refer to priority assignments as "hot". Blue paperwork means we're dealing with the hottest assignments possible, i.e., was due yesterday. So yeah, that was an unpleasant surprise. Altercation, no communication...~

In other news, I finally got referred to a shrink for my mood swings. Pretty much everybody thinks there's a depressive element to my thought patterns and behavior, previous parents/grade school counselor thought there was an ADD element, the doctor I saw for an ear issue Friday-before-last thinks I'm manic-depressive, and at least one friend has suggested Asperger's-or-something-similar. Latest doc thinks I have trust issues from being bullied basically ever since fifth grade, but wants to do a few more sessions for a full evaluation to pin it down more accurately. Which is smart, though I worry about her being out-of-network for my insurance providers-

- OH HEY, GUESS WHO'S WORK-PROVIDED INSURANCE IS UP FOR RENEWAL. I qualify for an upgrade to get partial coverage with out-of-network specialists! Don't know how I managed that lucky break, but I did.

And last but not least (because it's been keeping my spirits up despite the frustrations of work and home), going to Shuto Con has made me want to make a Jenna costume so I can cosplay as her at the next one. I even got a wig there (not sure if I'll make it to A-Kon in Dallas in June, but maybe Anime Fest in September or Space City Con whenever it is this year). Turtleneck-tunics are actually a thing, so all I'd have to do is add white trim to one of those for the top, and circle skirts are ostensibly the easiest thing ever to sew, so the big issues are the vest and the cape. I think the vest lacings can be done with grommets/eyelets, so it's basically a simple fitted vest with trim, and the lacings instead of buttons. And the cape is... uh, a cape.

Maybe aries_rising can help teach me how to use a sewing machine, when I finish cleaning my place enough to get one? I hear Ikea's SY is actually a pretty good beginners' machine.

angst, oh noes, wtf is not enough, yui needs to control her mouth, real life

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