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Jul 19, 2009 13:40

Mmkay. So. As I mentioned, the parents approved of my first foray into the brewing of gira. They've even given me a few suggestions.

- Since the yeast is still active, why not use the dregs from this batch of gira as a starter culture for the next. This will save me the stress of worrying whether the little yeasties are alive or not, and whether or not they will eat the bread-water-sugar mix.
- Use the leftover bread pulp for meatloaf or rissoles or something. I like the thought of meatloaf, actually-- something about a dark meatloaf with a dollop of sour cream and dill sprinkled on top seems very Lithuanian to me, though that might just be the sour cream and dill. Mmm, dill.
- Investigate the international side of UTD and see if I can find/cultivate a market for "traditional East European kvass soft drink", then pitch it to FritoLay when I graduate so I can get a job as a marketing consultant or something. XD I hope the roomie doesn't mind the apartment smelling slightly of bread from time to time.

Finding dill in Tom Thumb to use for meatloaf has led me to a horrible, stunning discovery: in Texas, dried dill weed costs over $4/ounce. For comparison, I could get a kilogram (2 1/2 pounds) of fresh dill in Lithuania or Latvia for the equivalent of between a quarter and fifty cents. o_o I knew the stuff hates Texas weather, but seriously, "weed" is in the name of the plant!

In response to this, I bought a little of the organic fresh dill as well, trimmed the ends of the stems, and have them in cups of fresh water by the window, to see if I can grow my own dill weed as a house plant. I paid an arm and a leg for the dried dill, so I should be okay until that grows.

omg, foodz, wtf, lithuania is covered in bees

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