Such serene crack you got there, don't mind if I do.

Jul 29, 2008 19:53

Omg, you gaiz. I think I'm the only person in the existence of humanity that hasn't seen Wall-E. I fail at being an animator, I should drop out and get my cardboard sign ready now.

In other news, yesterday was a day of crack-lolzing with nare_chan, and later tofubeast. U GAIZ R SO LULZ OMG.

Life is interesting, otherwise. It's finally (kind of) calmed down. So, like, waiting for the next shit-wave to hit, but for now I'll enjoy the lull (LULZ?).

(Also, gaiz, my MSN is literally made of suck [the bad kind]. So, these days, I use AIM alot more, as it has a higher success rate on my computer. If any of you have it/use it, drop me a line. I'm cielsansfin [all one word, minus the "I'm"]. Either way, if anyone ever has to get a hold of me urgently, that's probably the easiest way. That, or facebook XD)


animation, af

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