Jul 26, 2008 22:02
There are too many people in my house. I have not slept for 2 days. Make it end. D:
Since Thursday, my grandmother and uncle have been staying with us. We live in a small, 3 bedroom condo. My brother has evac-ed his room, where my grandmother is staying, and my uncle is staying on the spare fold-out in the solarium. My brother has been sharing my bed for two nights, and I haven't gotten any sleep because of it. Doesn't help that I'm an insomniac, y'know.
To top it off, my other uncle dropped off my two cousins to sleep over (knowing, full well, that we're rather overbooked as it is) ~ he came over to 'visit', showed up with a duffel bag and then left without his kids. Now, I love those boys like they're my own children, but fucking hell. So, they're going to take my bed, and I'm sleeping on the couch. *shrugs* Whatever.
We've had guests coming in at all times during the past few days, coming to see my grandmother, and honestly, I'm pretty fed up right now. I can't handle such activity, especially when my room (and private space) is unavailable to me. I'm a scorpio, we like our privacy.
Just... ugh. So, currently, I'm juggling 4 children (two who are visiting; young, annoying as fuck brats who won't leave me alone). My brother has AWOLed to Wonderland with his own friends, and is expected back only god knows when tonight. So, I'm left by myself dealing with them.
Under normal circumstances, this would be a cake walk and wouldn't be anything that would rile me up so bad. But I'm tired. And cranky, and just not happy. My body hurts, and I'm having sharp pains on the left side of my head. Yay for sleep deprivation.
Okay, end rant. Back to the circus! 8D