Golden Week

May 01, 2009 17:39

I went to Hiroshima prefecture for 2009's Golden Week. On the first day, I visited the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park. I learned about the atomic bomb when I was at school, but visiting the place where it happened felt so different. I felt sad and hurt by most of tragedy that happened to the people who were living there at the time the atomic bomb was dropped.

I'm glad I went there. It was definitely a different kind of travel :)

After Hiroshima city, we went to visit Miyajima. My friend really wanted to see the O-torii. We walked all day so my feet were literally dead by the next day...

-end of the day-

And next, is photos from the last day of the 2009 Hiroshima travel.

We dedicated the last day to go to a remote unknown city and just search whatever interesting there. We went to a place called Mihara. The lady at the information center was so troubled once we asked her about sightseeing place around. It's like no one has never came there before xD

My friend comes from Latin America so she has a very distinguish face features, and well... The people in the town just stare at us as if seeing aliens... xD

Oh well... it was fun.

We also found this interesting temple, called Buttsuji Temple. There were not many people there (as expected of remote regions :3)

*photos, travels

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