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whocares1970 в лицемерии. Но, пролистав его журнал назад на несколько месяцев (на большее меня не хватило), я соглашусь, что свобода слова - не его конек. Его конек - это утверждение, что "левый - значит мерзавец", что левые "generally harm this country as much as possible", что "идёт совершеннейшая
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например, Адамса выперли ( и он покончил с собой) из универа, а некую дрянь из Джорджтауна, абсолютно жуткие вещи высиравшую, никак не выгнали, а наоборот:
“While Georgetown is committed to free speech and expression, we do not approve or endorse every statement made by our faculty members,” the statement read."
что она несла, к примеру:
Fair referred to “Kreepy Kavanaugh” as a “perjurer” and a “rapist” on her verified Twitter account, adding that “nothing has changed since Anita Hill.”
Fair also said the “GOP doesn’t care about women. We knew this. F--- them.”
In another tweet about Kavanaugh, Fair referred to the GOP as “pro-rape, pro-pederasty, pro-perjury, pro-corruption, pro-Russian hacking, pro-child trafficking, pro-white male supremacy, pro-VERY-late-term abortion of children with AR-15’s … a f---ing death cult” and “filthy swine.”
“F--- Trump and f--- you for voting for him,” Fair wrote on Tumblr. “What AMAZES me about Trumpanzees … apart from the fact that they are a bunch of Xphobic, women-hating, white supremacist, whiney-ass snowflakes who love a criminal traitor …”
On Tumblr, Fair has also dubbed MAGA hats “socially-acceptable Klan hoods that say ‘I heart White-Male-Christian Supremacy.’”
послала ли бы я ее нахуй, будь я президентом джорджтауна?
послала бы. в момент. потому что я абсолютно против свободы речи в МОЕМ социуме.
и не стесняюсь этого нисколько.
professor Mike Adams, популярный и любимый учениками, из новой каролины, однако был выкинут силком на пенсию, в 57 лет:
The fact is, though, that in a society that respects dissent-the society in which we are supposed to be living-Mike would almost certainly still be alive. The term “cancel culture” is on everyone’s lips these days. That’s because, despite the fact that there isn’t an agreed-upon definition of what “cancel culture” means (Yale professor Nicholas Christakis, who is himself a victim of this culture, is moving towards one possible definition), its reality cannot be credibly denied. Mike was only days away from the end of his career at UNCW and, given the cartel-like behavior of colleges and universities, likely the end of his academic career altogether, having been forced into negotiating for early retirement in the wake of a tweet some found offensive about North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper’s COVID-19 restrictions.
мне его жаль, но.. СОЦИУМ. левый социум его выкинул. а такой же левый социум ебанутую профессорку не выкинул.
но. имеют право, оба. защищать одну речь и преследовать за другую.
и это даже не лицемерие: это реальность.
я не Хахам, я в моем блоге много чего не разрешаю. свободы речи у меня нет и не будет.
she is profane, hate-mongering and completely out of control, a shame to her school. in her official twitter account.
he is on an anonymous russian-language platform, never profane, making statements that i consider misguided, but they are not the same. incomparable.
you really see no difference, do you? same with George. eiter you are extremely hypocritical, or this is some mental defect of yours.
i don't agree with him, and "suppression" is vague enough. if he offered to "suppress" by kidnapping the governors of blue states, i would say George, i am reporting you to FBI, idiot you. but he would never say or plan such crazy stuff as "a good leftie is a dead leftie": this is also incitement.
he is not racist. he recognizes, as i do, that
1. BLM, a previously harmless and inconsequential marxist outfit, has partnered with antifa and became a danger to this country.
2. racial dialogue in this country has gone completely out of whack and resulted in absurdities such as white privilege shaming, taking to the knee, and cancel culture.
so i think Yu and you are talking over each other's heads, neither is listening.
if you disapprove of that little idiot in MA and approve of Damore, then Yucca is right, it is a double standard for not free speech ( both are exercising it) but socially allowed speech.
true, damore never called for violence.
the question is, do i want him in MY company? no. no more than i want that little bitch in MY college.
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