let's rejoice with the boys

Nov 18, 2009 03:19

Yesterday I watched 'Color' themed shokura in which the most popular colour among johnny's (at least those who got to speak) was purple, Senga chose to express his feelings for Yara by calling him shiny gold (but then pointing to himself as the golden boy... someone wants to be closer to oniisan?..), some junior officially claimed pink on Q board (though we never got to know him, as Koyama and Maru preferred to call out less risky kids), Takki was guest singing Ai Kakumei (gay enough), and at the end, Kei and Maru decided Shokura was rainbow coloured.

Phew, long sentence. But you get it, don't you? This episode screamed PRIDE.

And then I got to watch Kanjani's newest video.
To tell you it's shiny would really be an understatement. The song is whatever (you may like it, you may not, nothing out of order anyway), but the costumes... Osaka boys proved once and for all who's the real shiny golden boys. Like, really real.

Sorry Senga. You gotta stick to red in Butoukan and whatever you have in Kisumai, 'cause red is for riida over there. Speaking of whom, Kitayama-chan looked a bit embarrassed when someone pointed out he's 9 years older than the boy standing next to him. Don't remember who it was, Kisumai new costumes made me choke on air.

Johnny's make me discover there are borders to be crossed and laws to be broken that I never knew existed, both in being openly gay without ever admitting to it, AND in costume designing.

Did I ever mention I wanna work there?

PS: Oh, and this is old, but I only found the video now. Epic.

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