picspam meme. oh yes I did.

Sep 01, 2009 23:25

Initially I didn't want to. I don't collect pics anymore, save for occasional google when I need graphics for a wallpaper or a winamp skin.

But then... I asked raneczka whom would she tag me with if I actually wanted to do this, and she said Leehom 'cause she's seen enough Sho and isn't interested in Wheesung. I'm impressed with myself :D. Looks like I'm only obvious about fangirling the 'husbands' and the 'runner up' (I know for a fact that Sho smokes, it disqualifies him). Anyway... I've checked whatever I had, googled some, and decided since I already gathered them, might as well do this post.

Meme rules: you say you'll do, I tell you who.

1. Choose a picture of the funniest face on your person.
That was easy. He's a master in this category.


See? I wasn't looking for funny faces at all. I bet if I did there would be weirder ones in stock...

2. Choose a picture of your person eating

Dunno who made this so glittery nor why (why, Jennifer, WHY? it was a gif actually, with that stuff blinking all the time), but Leehom's expression is priceless here...

3. Choose a picture of your person with an animal
Umm... and why would he? Not everyone is a johnny :P Anyway, since there was no pic of Leehom eating fish and the McNuggets one is way too small (so? nobody said it was to be a living animal), please entertain yourselves with this:

I did. Kinda. Skubany pingwin. (sorry. it's just me being jealous)

4. Choose a picture of your person with a member of the opposite sex.
I wouldn't kill for this song, but the video was cute.

5. Choose a picture of where you would have sex with this person
Like... every other? Nah, not really, but still it's hard to choose...

Not the most seductive one, huh? But he smiles so nice, casual, everyday-ish and normal. I'm in need of normal.

If you think of what I think that you think then I think that yes, please, and again.

Let me taste your... cabbage :P

6. Choose a picture of your favorite outfit on this person


7. Choose a picture of your person smiling

Here. Surprisingly(?) it was the hardest one to choose. And it's still nothing special.

8. Choose a picture of your person half/naked.

Actually, I don't like this photo all that much.

Choose a picture of your person doing an outdoor activity

Little boy scout on his tree-planting mission. I'm in a love&hate relationship with this photograph.

When BIG BANG doesn't mean Koreans.

10. Choose your favorite picture of this person.

I'm not sure if I have a favorite picture of Leehom at all. I mean, I can't even choose one favorite song. But this one stands out, it's stylish and not too plastic, so be it.

meme, artist: wang lee hom

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