Bad Yttrai Good Yttrai (aka Gencon here i come!)

Feb 18, 2009 12:43

Bad Yttrai for not posting, or even finding the time to read lately :(

Good Yttrai for being mostly caught up on homework thus far!

Good Yttrai for finding a carpool and a place to stay at Gencon!!

Bad Yttrai for planning to attend Gencon when scholar probably cannot go :(

Right now the plan is for me to be there either Tuesday or Wednesday through Sunday.  Plane tickets to Indy from Albany aren't that bad right now, so i'm hoping scholar will agree to attend Friday-Sunday.  Of course, he might not find out until after the plane fare rises again, so this is a tough spot.  Fingers crossed and looking forward to seeing random people who read this whom i only see once a year!!
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