
Jan 29, 2009 09:19

Not that you all care ;)

  • Visiting the parents was really quite lovely.  There were some stumbles and patterns of behaviour hearkening back to my early childhood, but in general it went very smoothly.  Being self-absorbed and introspective does wonders for altering bad interpersonal habits, apparently!
  • School is school again.  My motivation is wavering, probably because my month off was just so relaxing.  But today is dedicated to getting back on track, and the next few assignments due Sunday and Monday will be challenging but accomplishable.  Either this little rush of effort will fix me, or else i'm permanently broken and should just give up ;)
  • Had a short visit with Bro, SIL, Nephew, Dad, and StepMom in December, between xmas and New Years.  That was also good, but as always i have to analyse and introspect.  Maybe the thoughts will get shared, maybe not. Navel gazing, ahoy!
  • Schenectady has had a number of snowstorms and ice storms, starting up right around Thanksgiving. I kind of love it, though i have off street parking in a shared lot, so it is not as traumatic as it could be.  Still, lots of unburying car and jump starting dead batteries and paying for new all season tires and enthralling details like that to attend to.
  • Fairly big apartment fire in my complex last night, three buildings over.  The woman in the apartment is apparently fine, and had no pets or roommates.  Dramatic, but with a safe ending.
  • That's all the generic news that's fit to print.


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