
Dec 09, 2008 15:06

Stolen from the newly caffeinated impeccablesimon .

(Yes, i'm working on my final project, honest. I'm taking a break to clear my head.  Resources for students with disabilities in the greater Schenectady area is interesting, but i experience burnout nonetheless.)

1. When did you know what you wanted to do (as a career)?

When i was 8 or 9 i knew when i grew up i wanted to be a coroner/medical examiner.  I held onto that for at least 3 or 4 years, until someone pointed out that medical school would be required, and only geniuses could handle that.

Yes, i'm still bitter.  Why do you ask?

Anyway, within about a week of the first day of High School Chemistry i knew that this was the field for me.  It took a while to figure out that synthetic organic, instead of materials or quantum or physical or analytical or whatever, was where i needed to be, but by mid college i was sure of that aspect of it.

2. What's your favorite line from a book or movie?

"I must not fear.Fear is the mind-killer.Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.I will face my fear.I will permit it to pass over me and through me.And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.Only I will remain."
I use this a lot, RL, though obviously i paraphrase depending on time constraints.  i picture a hurricane or tornado whipping all around me, to nearly the point of my death, and then suddenly vanishing, leaving me untouched and free of fear.  Works great, i swear.

3. What was your childhood ambition?

See above re: coroner.

4. Who is your favorite superhero and why?

I don't have a favourite i don't think.  4 colour supers are completely not my thing.  I'm a stereotypical nerd in that i like Batman because he's mostly an ordinary dude, but who is all dark and angsty ;)

Honestly, being quite liberal with the definition, i'd have to go with Max Guevara, aka Dark Angel :)

5. What are your top ten favorite songs of all time?

In no particular order:

Llorando, Rebekah Del Rio
Winter, Vivaldi
Miserere, Tallis
Persephone, Cocteau Twins
Teardrop, Massive Attack
Samson, Regina Spektor
One Caress, Depeche Mode
A Little Fall of Rain, Les Miserable soundtrack
Kenji, Fort Minor
Souvenir, Morphine

And that's all she wrote.


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