Mar 05, 2007 21:59
its complicated, obviously. but that is what makes it great right, there are so many different things that can go right. but then thats what also makes it suck, theres just so much on any given persons plate. so i was sitting in bed thinking of all the things there are to be concerned about in life, some more trivial than others, but all a matter a thought
-hair style, cut, type of shampoo/conditioner you use, type of products, styling, and time spent doing it all
make up, buying different kinds for each different part of your face, applying it right, not making it over whelming, adjusting to trends.
-clothes, work clothes, work shoes, regular clothes, being comfortable, when to be uncomfortable, push up bras, low rise jeans, walking right in heels, purses that complement, designer stuff.
-good hygiene, not having deodorant stains, not smelling, not having wet patches on your shirt, acne free, tweezed eye brows, clean ears, painted toes, painted or clean nails, trimmed nails. lotioned skin
-the grass is always greener, needing someone else, finding someone else and wondering if they are good enough, shallow expectations, sex, how much time is the right amount to spend with one another, im sure many other things, but its hard to think of negatives in this right now because im pretty content.
-learning from math professors that hardly speak english and go a mile a minute, studying for tests and finals, confusing homework, cramming, group projects, group studying, study abroad, balance, luck of picking classes with certain professors certain quarters, buying books.
- how much to work to balance with school, what you want to do for the rest of your life, internships, applying yourself, interviews, thank you letters for interviews!, perfecting resumes, preview letter for resume, saving money
trying to figure out what the hell you want to do for the world, what will make you satisfied with yourself and proud, finding time to do things for yourself, knowing how much work and school is too much, and when its ok to cut back, and when you should really put the effort in, housekeeping keeping your surroundings clean so your brain can think clearly and not be disgusted
"picket fence" brother ali