Title: Facts about Ghosts Word count: 394 Genre: general Rating: G/K Comments: This story is related to another one I wrote, No Shroud. Written for the spook_me fic-a-thon.
A little drabble I want to expand on at some point because it amuses me. I got the idea from the fact that people used to think ghosts wore what they were buried in. Hence why ghosts wore "bed sheets." They would actually be burial shrouds. These days, though, most people would come back in suits and dresses because that's what they are buried
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I wasn't going to buy it but with a 30% off coupon in one hand and a $10 Borders gift card in the other, I had to buy the FMA art book. I am very pleased with it. I like the art and color. Heck, I may even scan some of the smaller pictures and make them into icons. There are one or two of Izumi I know Scaoll will probably like. And Ka-chan?
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