May 06, 2010 21:30
I know people were griping and complaining about the lack of... ethnic casting with The Last Airbender movie but after watching the trailers, I find that I just really don't care. It looks pretty cool. All action-y. :) And yes, there is going to be the Blue Spirit and Appa. I've also heard that humor is toned down, so less potty humor and more Sokka not being comic relief (which was fine once in a while but sometimes it was too much).
And cause this is a short entry, I'd like to share a TMI moment. Will all the pollen in the air, my sinuses are draining like made. I keep blowing my nose (it's truly impressive just how mucus the sinuses contain, just when I think I'm done, I discover that there is more waiting to come out), sniffing and sneezing.