Tantei Gakuen Q Drabbles 66-70

Dec 18, 2009 22:53

Title: Anger
Prompt: 22 Enemies
Yurie glared at the TV as it played an ad for the upcoming Godzilla flick. She found a knife in her hands, about to throw it at the TV. It took a supreme force of will to put the knife away and settle for changing the station.
How she hated the white suited man from DDS! She silently vowed that she would see him dead whether by crossing some plot or by her own hand. She knew that killing him herself would lead to punishment but she no longer cared.
Another Godzilla ad appeared and she threw the knife quickly.

Title: Cycle
Prompt: 44 Circle
Dan reflected about the current situation with Class Q. It was almost like a circle with the way the situation had come around. He had been battling against Pluto and its leader for years. His own successor had fallen against them. But children of both had come together.
They were so alike at times that it was scary. It reminded him that the same set of skills made both groups successful. Those skills were simply applied different ways and for different goals.
That was why he made sure people who would abuse those skills never made it into his school.

Title: Ice
Prompt: 48 Diamond
Icicles glittered like diamonds from the eves, many of them newly formed but there were a few that had clearly had been growing a few weeks until they began to fall, one by one. Under the eves lay a body a broken icicle lying around the body, in large pieces.
Kinta picked up one of the bigger pieces that had been the base and looked at it with a keen eye. The base had a smooth look that indicated it was not freshly broken off like it would have been if it had fallen on the victim an hour earlier.

Title: Smug
Prompt: 62 Spring
Saburomaru had a spring in his step as he walked past Class Q. Just like he anticipated, one of his own classmates was passing by them, just within earshot. He could not wait for them to “over hear” what news he had to tell Yukihara. She was not going to be the only one who would be surprised.
To win a cruise on a brand new ship to Hokkaido! Yes, it was definitely worth gloating over.
As he got closer, he heard the kid of the class say, “Yeah, and Dan-sensei asked me to investigate on that cruise to Hawaii.”

Title: Alike
Prompt: 9 Months
The first couple of months at DDS were crammed full of classes and lessons, occasionally interspaced with actual cases. It was exciting and hectic.
Kyuu would not have traded it for anything. For the first time since he was a kid he felt like he was being engaged mentally on a level that encourage him to go beyond what he had been to something greater and stronger.
He was so used to his classmates making fun of his interest that he had a tendency to go overboard now that he could share mysteries with other people who loved them, too.

fanfic challenges, fan fiction, drabbles, tantei gakuen q

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