Tantei Gakuen Q Drabbles 61-65

Dec 17, 2009 22:44

Title: Loss
Prompt: 13 Death
She lay on her bed, crying silently into a pillow because Kyuu was just a room over. Even though her bed was regularly empty it felt emptier knowing that he would never be coming back.
She hurt knowing that Kyuu would not even have the peripheral influence of a father in his life. Even if he had only been able to stand in as an uncle of sorts, he had been there.
She loved him so much that if she was able to give up her memories of him, it would not be a fair exchange, even though it hurt.


Title: Date
Prompt: 92 Christmas
Ryuu gave the young woman seated across from him a gentle smile. She gave him a dazzling in return. The restaurant they dined in was filled with the live quartet off to the side and some gentle chatter from the other patrons.
They made light, intelligent conversation until the meal arrived. During the first few minutes of the meal, Ryuu considered to woman across from him.
She did not inspire the same reactions in him that Kyuu had for Megu, he did feel something for her that was warm and comforting. While it was love, he didn’t know what kind.

Title: Search
Prompt: 52 Fire
Kyuu breathed through a damp handkerchief as he searched through the smokey room for people they had potentially missed. What had started out as a simple investigation had rapidly spiraled into a desperate bid for survival.
A bomb detonated a few floors below, damaging three out of the four emergency escapes. There had been a desperate press to escape before Kinta organized the people for an orderly exit. Kyuu searched, one more time, in case he had missed someone knocked out by ceiling or other debris.
He regretted having to leave a couple of bodies to make his own escape.


Title: Thief
Prompt: 05 Last
'At last!' he thought, sneaking glances left and right before he slid the cookie jar off the top of the refrigerator with gloved hands. He placed it quietly on top of the counter and slipped a couple of cookies into a plastic bag. The urge to eat a cookie was overwhelming.
'But that's just what I need. Don't need evidence in my teeth,' he thought, placing the lid quietly back on before he very quietly placed the jar back on the refrigerator.
Grinning, he turned around to make off with his cookies.
Megu stood there. “I caught you, Kyuu!”


Title: Father
Prompt: 14 Black
The room was black in his vision at first, his eyes unadjusted from the bright outdoors. He knew it was a bad idea to barge right in, hollering Kyuu's name but sometimes his inner detective lost to the nearly buried father.
Right now, he was in full father mode. He needed to find his son and find him now. His inner father was hovering between hope and despair. He hoped his son was okay but a few black thoughts suggested that Kyuu had been killed by the kidnappers.
He knew that his behavior confused the boy but he didn't care.

fanfic challenges, fan fiction, drabbles, tantei gakuen q

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