Title: Homesickness
Prompt: 58 Dinner
Sameth picked at his food. It was all so strangely shaped and the texture was off. He knew his old protocol teacher would bug him about his current posture but he did not care. He wanted his parents.
But they were so far away. The Old Kingdom was so far away. It did not help that some of the students scoffed at him when he said that was where he was from.
“Hey,” said a voice behind him, “You want to eat with us?”
Sameth quickly identified the other kid as Nicholas something. Sameth saw compassion in Nicholas' eyes.
Title: Passage
Prompt: 24 Family
Sabriel stared up at the dim grayness that passed for a sky in Death. The waters embraced her and carried her to the first gate. She knew that she could stand and return to Life but she could feel that her connection to life was gone. A sighed passed her lips, the temptation to return was strong.
A hand went under her arm and lift her so she was standing. It was Lirael. There was sadness in her eyes. She asked, “Would you like me to make sure you walk to the Ninth Gate without stopping?”
Sabriel nodded, “Yes, please.”
Title: Running
Prompt: 9 Months
The servant of Kerrigor stumbled through the shrubs, nearly tripping on leaves because he was so tired. For months, they had waited for word from their master. Then rumors filtered back that the Abhorsen defeated him.
The last couple of months had been a nightmare for the followers. Systematically, they were hunted down. Somehow, the Abhorsen had found a King and the people had rallied around him. So much so, that people who were formerly afraid were turning any servant of Kerrigor over.
He had been running for days, since their meeting had been stormed. He was at his limit.
Title: Knowledge
Prompt: 88 He
Torrigan knew he was a bastard. Despite having many of the same tutors as his sisters and brother, he was always subtly reminded of his status through his childhood.
It was hard. Sometimes, he was treated as if he were no more than a servant and other times like he was a cousin. That was one reason he had joined the guards. It would give him status of his own and state his position in the Royal House.
It had not been easy but he earned his place.
Then he failed when faced with his brother. Now, he served Abhorsen.
Title: Wish
Prompt: 100 Past
Lisala breathed out, she could feel that her grip on Life permanently released. The temptation to hang onto Life was strong but it was one of the things an Abhorsen knew must be relinquished at some point.
She was a little sad that she would never be able to train her successor to the Remembrancer powers. She had to hope the book would suffice.
The Clayr told her they Saw the one to come after her, one in the future they were aiming for. Lisala hoped her successor would not wish for the Sight like she had wished growing up.