Poem: "Inspiration from the Woods"

Dec 27, 2023 23:27

This poem is spillover from the January 3, 2023 Poetry Fishbowl. It was inspired by a prompt from Dreamwidth user Readera. It also fills the "Dance Magic" square in my 1-1-23 card for the Public Domain Day Bingo fest. This poem has been sponsored by a pool with DW user Fuzzyred. It belongs to the series Arts and Crafts America.

"Inspiration from the Woods"
-- a pantoum
[Wednesday, June 1, 2022]

Kim draws her inspiration from the woods.
They fill her like a bucket, brimming full.
She doesn't have a care for musts or shoulds.
She does her work in yarn, in Shetland wool.

They fill her like a bucket, brimming full.
The other artists work in paint or ink.
She does her work in yarn, in Shetland wool.
She isn't really sure what they all think.

The other artists work in paint or ink.
They sketch the trees and paint the Northern Lights.
She isn't really sure what they all think.
She spins the days and knits the silent nights.

They sketch the trees and paint the Northern Lights.
They draw the deer, make portraits of the trout.
She spins the days and knits the silent nights,
A magic dance of hours spooling out.

They draw the deer, make portraits of the trout.
She doesn't have a care for musts or shoulds.
She spins the days and knits the silent nights.
Kim draws her inspiration from the woods.

* * *


Kim Evergreen -- She has golden-fair skin, almond-shaped black eyes, and long straight black hair. Her heritage includes American, Aleut, and Asian. She speaks English and Unangam Tunuu (Aleut). She is 20 years old in 2022. Kim lives in an artist colony in Alaska, where she is the only fibercrafter, spinning and knitting Shetland wool. The other artists work in ink or paint.

The "Circadian" knitting pattern was part of the prompt.

* * *

Read about the pantoum form, and example of repeating-interlocking poetry.

A very important characteristic of Shetland Sheep is their beautiful wool, upon which the world-renowned Shetland wool industry was built. It is one of the finest and softest of any United Kingdom breed. This soft, yet strong and durable wool is a delight to spin and is ideal for knitting. Traditionally, the finest of the Shetland yarns, spun from selected neck wool, were knit into lace shawls so fine they could be drawn through a wedding ring!

reading, writing, weblit, crafts, fishbowl, poetry, cyberfunded creativity

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