Useful Things, Post #3

Apr 11, 2011 12:52

So!  I, um, kind of forgot to do this on Friday. And therefore, I declare that today is ACTUALLY FRIDAY AND NOT MONDAY.  For the time period it takes me to write this, anyway...  Shhh, shhhh, don't argue; would you rather it be Monday or Friday?

Right.  Perfectly understandable.

* * * * *

OKAY!  Today's theme is silliness.  I'm tired of being serious and calm all morning; a good, plentiful dose of silliness is necessary, and therefore we're starting off with something utterly ridiculous that I genked from copperbadge's blog this morning, strictly because it made me laugh until my eyes watered:  Myths Retold.  Honest to gods, it's amazingly amusing in a very 12-year-old way, but a warning: the language is utterly foul.  Still, go look! And don't ignore the shirts section; I seriously want one of the Norse shirts.

Secondly, we have an old classic site which I recently revisited to see if it was still up:  The T.W.I.N.K.I.E.S. Project.  Terrible, terrible things are done to Twinkies (not that they don't deserve 'em.)  They are electrocuted, dropped, irradiated, subjected to a Turing Test, set on fire, drowned and... well; just take a look. This site's been around since 1995 or so-- a true classic.

Lastly, we have, in which you can translate whatever the hell you'd like to say into Cockney Rhyming Slang, Jolly Well Spoken dialect, Lowlands Geordie or whatever you'd like.  A true time-waster if there ever was one, guaranteed to make you stare in horror at what your words have become.

* * * * *

This Friday I'll attempt to put together something truly useful, promise.  Have a good week, all!


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