Useful Things - Post #2

Apr 01, 2011 11:47

Okay, in my effort to post useful links every Friday, I'm noticing that the things that *I* believe are useful may not tally up with what other people see as useful. 'Userful' to me can mean 'helpful in practical ways' OR 'capable of devouring an amazing amount of your free time because it's fascinating'.  So don't necessarily look for practical stuff here every time.

Today's Useful Things is a grab-bag, rather odd, but hopefully interesting if nothing else.

The Political:  Yes! (gasp) I'm posting something about politics.  Those of you of a liberal bent might want to look into the Daily Kos, a news/diaryblog where a lot of people air their opinions and debate them.  I like the site; it's not entirely politically-based (though those of you who are conservative or count yourselves as Republican Right (do I even know any ultra-conservatives?) might get a bit techy there) but covers all sorts of things. I've talked about gardening, grief, books and pets there as well as women's rights, GLBT laws and the current Japanese nuclear crisis.

The Financial:  If you've never run across Groupon, go take a look! Veeeery useful, though it occasionally tempts me into things I should not do-- today's Tucson Groupon, for instance, is for a $35 one-hour Swedish Massage.  Oooohhh... shiney.....

The Crafty:  I knit.  I knit a lot.  And occasionally I find that a pattern asks me to do some obscure or seldom-used decrease or increase stitch, and I make sad faces at the world and go hunting how to do the damned thing.  So! Two good places for When The Pattern Is Being Snide:  Knitter's Review and KnittingHelp.  The first site is a general all-knitty helpful site with a ton of stuff to poke through (I've just put in the link to the decreases/increases page) and the second one is videos-- very short little videos that show you EXACTLY how to do what you want, whether it be a long-tail cast on or something that's abbreviated 'psso' (which means 'pass slipped stitch over' but invariably shows up in my head as 'piss off!')

The Weird:  I have a love of abandoned places; always have, always will. They're creepy and sometimes beautiful in their own lonely way, and WebUrbanist has posted a gorgeous link to photo after photo of 'em.  Go look at the HDR pics in particular. **shivers**  There's other good stuff there too.

Anyway, that's all for now.  Hope it's useful; y'all have a good weekend, okay? And happy Fool's Day to you all.
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